There is a theory that you should eat this way.  Breakfast being your biggest meal, then a lighter lunch and even a lighter dinner.  I believe my day went like this:

Breakfast like a Prince, Lunch like a Pauper and Dinner like a King!  In the whole grand scheme of things, I met all my goals except going over in the grams of fat department by a mere 9 grams.  But I am not sure it makes sense to have such a high meal at night, when hours later you are just going to bed! 

Breakfast was my typical egg sammie – 1 Arnold thin, 1 egg, 2 pieces center cut bacon and 1/2 ounce of Swiss.  I’ve been trying to drink more water and filled up a big glass with breakfast!


In trying to clean out my fridge with what’s left, I had three of my chicken potstickers left.  Then I noticed in the back of the fridge I had these:


It’s a love/hate with these noodles – either you love them or hate them!  I give them a brisk rinse under cold water and they are good to go.  I had 1 jalapeno pepper left, some broccoli slaw and bean sprouts – a spicy Thai soup was born!  Only problem?  This whole bowl comes in at only 217 calories!!  The base of the soup was this:


Mixed with 2 cups of water and then I just simmered everything with the sliced jalapenos for about 10 minutes.


This took me forever to eat!  It was nice and spicy!  We had food leftover from a meeting and I did sneak in a small slice of sausage pizza for about 161 calories! 😀

I had no clue what to make for dinner so we decided to go out!  I had a buy one get one 1/2 off entree.  Just so happens they had a beer special – Sam Adams light for only $2! 


Tony got a draft beer and I really wanted to steal this glass!


I ended up getting the chicken fajita plate – I had 3 corn tortillas, all the guacamole, 1/3 of the refried beans and none of the rice – and about 3/4 of the chicken pepper mixture – happily with no onions!


See that pickle at the top of my plate?  Every time we go out, Tony gives me his dill pickle because he knows I love them so much! 

No exercise today, but I plan on hitting the gym hard tomorrow!  (Any pep talks would be greatly appreciated!)

Stats for the Day

  • 1463 calories
  • 71 fat
  • 119 carbs
  • 94 protein
  • 21 fiber
  • no exerise 🙁

Gotta scoot – the Office is on!  See you tomorrow night – only one more day til the weekend! 😀