Okay, so we had our hopes up that Tony would come home today, but sadly that was not the case.   But things were in the works today that HOPEFULLY he’ll be home tomorrow.  I was talking to the joint care coordinator who faciliates from hospital to home, so that is a good sign!

So I basically think that we have had every type of weather this Christmas!  So tomorrow, high of almost 60 degrees!  And then last night, everything turned to a sheet of ice.  This morning I went out to warm up the car and there was about 1/10 inch of ice all over it!  On the ride to the hospital this morning, I saw plenty of this:

It took me an hour and a half to get to the hospital this morning!
It took me an hour and a half to get to the hospital this morning!

 When I got to the hospital, Tony was gone for one last test.  He came back to the room about 10:30, then left around noon to get his pic line replaced.  I ventured down to the cafeteria – today’s special was meatloaf with mushrooms – yuk!

I got a salad, carrot sticks, ranch dressing and a chicken finger:


I ended up leaving the hospital at 4:00 this afternoon because the fog was rolling in!  With the cold snow and the warm air it was SO FOGGY!  And people are driving like 70 miles an hour!  Me, I was in the left lane, going 50 miles an hour.  I don’t really like driving at night, let alone with the fog!  By the time I got off the expressway I finally loosened my white knuckle grip on the steering wheel!

So my sister-in-law had to work tonight so I invited my parents-in-law over for Pizza Party Friday!  My nephew and his son came over too.  It was a nice distraction having  them over, and being in the kitchen again!  My MIL chopped veggies while I rolled out the dough Hannah made earlier today – she did a great job!  I had caesar salad on the side:

my pizza was sausage, red and greed pepper
my pizza was sausage, red and greed pepper

And my MIL brought over a container of her homemade cookies – Hannah is in heaven!


And my parents-in-law have a grapefruit tree at their house in Florida and brought me a dozen fresh grapefruits – yummo!


So when Tony is not here, Hannah is Ed’s best friend.  This is usually how I say goodnight to them both!

he's a total bed hog too!
he's a total bed hog too!

I am off to get my pajamas on and relax.  Thanks again for all your well wishes!  See you tomorrow!