Whew, my work project is finally over!  It has been a long 4 days – I worked 14 hours over the weekend.  No meal planning, no grocery shopping = not happy!  And when that happens, the eating tends to lean towards fast food a bit too much!  Hopefully I didn’t go too overboard!

So what happens is that I have to be creative with what I have on hand for meals.  Saturday night, after finding out I had chicken breasts that needed to be used or frozen, I quickly decided on chicken tacos.  I only had large burrito size flour tortillas (which Tony used) and I used the last three corn tortillas to make Pam fried tacos – only 1 tsp. of oil used!  I think the wine was chardonnay that night!  And while I love fresh jalapenos, I haven’t had pickled jalapenos in ages – its on the grocery list!


Each one of my tacos had an ounce of chicken, 1/2 ounce of cheese, then I loaded them with jalapenos, lettuce and taco sauce (and Tabasco!) at the table.


I went to work early Sunday and decided to get Panera’s “Power” Breakfast sandwich.  I was completely underwhelmed.  Whole grain bread, 1 egg, 1 small slice of ham and a small slice of cheese – for just under $4!  Um, pretty sure my breakfast sammies are better if I do say so myself! 😀


On Sunday, after I dropped off a copy job at Staples, there is a Tropical Smoothie on the corner so I decided to hit that up for lunch.  The sandwich I got was a hummus veggie sandwich on 9 – grain bread.  Holy cow was this good!  I couldn’t find the nutritional info online for this one, but it had a shmear of hummus on one side, a shmear of pesto on the other, field greens, banana peppers, cucumbers with a light balsamic dressing – totally need to recreate this one at home!


After coming home Sunday night, I quickly opened one of these – its the last one we had from the beginning of summer, but still oh so good!


Just pour it and watch the magic – the foam on top is the best!


I put Tony in charge of the meat and he picked up Cornish Hens!  Tony had the best idea – to put sliced jalapenos under my skin!  Brilliant!  I put sliced lime in the bird, then put the jalapenos under the skin and topped it off with simple Taco seasoning – it was so good!


The lime helped steam the inside while it cooked and added a nice flavor.  I just put Montreal seasoning on Tony’s.  His and Hers Hens!


My sister is missing out – she can’t eat meat on the bones – are you like that?  After about 45 minutes here’s how they look:


Don’t the jalapenos look amazing?!!  Then after an hour and 15 minutes they were done.


I ended up squeezing the lime over my chicken – delicious!  Thanks again for the idea Tony!

So to move on to my less than stellar eats.  This morning:


This was pretty good!  I added Tabasco of course, and since its cheaper to buy the meal (right!) I also had an un-photographed hash brown. 😀

Then before I knew it, it was 1:00 and I hadn’t eaten lunch, nor did I pack one!  Quick email to the office and a Jimmy John’s delivery was placed.  Quite possibly the best chips ever!


The above bags is TWO SERVINGS so I quickly took half out and put the other half away.  I got the #5 Vito, no tomato or onions, but added banana peppers and sliced cucumbers.  I planned only eating half of it, but later in the afternoon my blood sugar was dropping so I ended up eating the whole thing! 😀


I love how soft the bread is!  Tony had marinated a flank steak, and by the time I got home from work it was dark!  Grilling is tough enough, but add on top of that lack of light!  So no pics of the grill – but it turned out really good!  Perfect medium rare!  Tony marinated it in dijon mustard, a little bit of olive oil and seasonings.


I had cheese ends to use up – I got a whole package of miscellaneous cheese ends at my grocery store – they sell them for $1.99 a pound.  I bring them home and grind them up in my food processor for shredded cheese.


A few seconds later:


I decided to make twice baked potatoes on the side.  I did the quick version, nuked the potatoes in the oven, then mixed the potatoes with skim milk, a splash of chicken broth, cracked pepper and salt.  Then topped each half with an ounce of the cheese ends shredded cheese and smoked paprika. 


A few minutes under the broiler:


Hannah was so happy!  She was actually coming home right as I was pulling them out of the oven – these are one of her favorite side dishes and one she says “she’ll make when she has her own apartment!”

My plate was 1/2 potato, and 5 ounces of flank steak.


Do you see what’s missing in the above plate – VEGETABLES!  I have the day off of work tomorrow, so in addition to getting my flu shot, tomorrow and I doing a menu plan and grocery shop – now that makes me happy!  And I am planning on making a spicy Thai noodle soup 😀

So in these last four days I have barely counted a calorie or exercised so this weeks weigh in will be interesting!  There is so much sodium in fast food, maybe I’ll just chug a lot of water before Wednesday’s weight in!

Alright, I have to catch up on my DVR while Tony watches Monday Night Football – still have to see last weeks episode of Glee!  Looking forward to checking out your blogs too! 😀

And don’t forget – two more days to enter your cheese recipes for the $60 cheese basket from Cabot