Guess who got up and did 30 minutes of Jillian’s Body Sculpt for the second day in a row?!  Yep, that would be me!  It’s funny because I love sleep.  And I can sleep a lot.  And since we didn’t get home from the movie theater until almost 9:30 last night, and I had to watch Biggest Loser, and we thought it would be a good idea to stay up a bit longer and watch Chopped, I didn’t go to bed until midnight last night!  But I happened to wake up at 6:50 am, my alarm was set for 7, so I just turned it off and got up.  So not like me! 

As I was waiting for the DVD to start, I started to think about what I could put together for lunch and I remembered I had a spaghetti squash in the pantry.  I quick put that in the microwave while I started the DVD.  By the time I was done working out, while still pretty warm, I was able to scoop out the seeds.  I decided to make a veggie lasagna for lunch!

But I have to start at breakfast!  Yep!  I give you another installment of steak sammie!  I kinda feel like Kath who eats oatmeal all the time!  I literally could eat this for breakfast every day and not get sick of it!  But, it was the last of my steak, so onto some other cheese breakfast tomorrow! 😀  Today’s sammie included 1.5 ounces of whole wheat Italian bread, 1/2 cup egg whites, spinach and red pepper with 1 ounce of 50% reduced fat Cabot cheddar cheese – YUM!  I had a small fuji apple on the side.


Biz’s Veggie Lasagna

  • 3 whole wheat lasagna noodles (uncooked)
  • 1 cup homemade marinara sauce
  • 2 cups fresh baby spinach
  • 1/2 red pepper diced
  • 1 cup fat free cottage cheese
  • 6 ounces cooked spaghetti squash
  • 1 ounce fine mozzarella cheese
  • 1 ounce shredded parmesan cheese


I always start with sauce on the bottom, one lasagna noodle, spaghetti squash, then red pepper.  Then load on the spinach!


Then I add 1/2 of the cottage cheese and sprinkle Italian seasoning and crushed red pepper (my second most used staple after Tabasco!)


I did two layers of filling, but three sheets of noodles – one on the bottom, one in the middle, then finish with one on top.  Add sauce to the top noodle and then sprinkle with the mozzarella and parmesan cheese. 


Now at this point, it’s 7:45 in the morning and I need to leave my house by 8:30 to get to my job by 8:45.  So into the oven this went for 35 minutes at 375 degrees while I showered and put breakfast together.


The smell of this in my car on the way to work was heaven!  Best part though?  This is TWO SERVINGS!  Each serving has:

  • 323 calories
  • 7 fat
  • 42 protein
  • 24.4 carbs
  • 4.4 fiber

My plate:


And it’s so funny because until about a year ago, I never even tried spaghetti squash and now I love it.  Thanks Roni for introducing me to your squash recipes!

Since I had 1/2 of a spaghetti squash leftover, I decided to make Chicken Parmesan.  So quick and easy – 25 minutes from beginning to end.  I don’t have an exact recipe for this.  I just pound my chicken really thin, dunk it in seasoned egg whites, then dip them in seasoned whole wheat bread crumbs.  But I use the “three oil” method.  I use 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of butter – let that melt and get hot, then spray the pan with Pam – it gets a perfect crust every time!


My plate: 3.25 ounces chicken, 5 ounces spaghetti squash, 1/2 cup marinara sauce, 1 ounce cooked linguine, 1 tsp. oil, 1 tablespoon shredded parm, whole wheat bread, 1 pat of butter.  The spaghetti squash kind of watered down the sauce, but it was so good! 


Stats for the Day

  • 1254 calories
  • 30.4 fat
  • 122.7 protein
  • 132.6 carbs
  • 17.3 fiber
  • 21% of calories from fat
  • 30 minute Jillian 30 minute body sculpt
  • 45 minute walk at lunch

So are you ready for Wednesday Weigh-In??  I only took one picture, because its hard to be still and take a picture and in my camera it looked clear – but you can see the number!  And I still need a pedicure, so socks were donned this morning! 😀


For Week Five of the Challenge I am down 7 pounds!  Slow and steady wins the race, so I’ll take it!  I mentioned it in an earlier post, but while I am eating the same amount of calories – between 1250 and 1500 – my percentage of weight from fat is usually between 28-32% which I think made all the difference.  There were some days when I ate 1400 calories, but 75% of the calories were from fat! 🙁

I want to give a big thank you to The Food Addicts – I recently won a giveaway they had and while I’ve thumbed through this 5 times already, I forgot to make mention of it on the blog – thanks!  I think jambalaya may be on my lunch menu next week!  It’s too spicy for Tony and Hannah!


And my friend Shelley is having a great giveaway – go check it out – you have until Sunday to enter – not gonna tell you what it is, you’ll have to find out for yourself! 😀

I’ve also found a new food blog that I keep going back to – In Praise of Leftovers.  I love the writing style, the recipes and it doesn’t hurt that the photographs are amazing! 

But my big news is that my October 1 First Day of the Month Giveaway is coming to you with the help of Cabot Cheese!  (Thanks Regan!) They found me after I have talked about my love of their cheese, and are going to offer a $60 Cheese Gift Basket for me to give away to one of my readers.  But there is a small catch – you have to submit a recipe to me using Cabot Cheese in order to win!  Details will be in tomorrow nights post!  Mmmm Cheese!  If you haven’t noticed I am not sure there is a day that goes by without me eating cheese! 😀

Alright, if anyone has made it down this far – goodnight and see you tomorrow! 😀