Only two more days til the weekend!  And its getting chilly in our neck of the woods – too chilly to even eat outside tonight!  But I love this time of year, even though Tony feels like everything dies and it’s dark all the time.  I, however, look forward to backyard bonfires!

Since I didn’t do a normal grocery shop this week, my breakfast was just a simple light English muffin sammie, although I sautéed red and green peppers to make a pepper and egg sammie!  I still had quesadilla cheese so added 1/2 ounce to my sammie – I LOVE how melty it gets!



Um, that may be a sprinkling of Tabasco!!!!  OMG, I love cheese!

So lunch was leftovers too – I cooked up 3 ounces of grilled sirloin, added taco seasoning, then made a big burrito with cooked red and green peppers, 1/2 ounce of quesadilla cheese, and shredded lettuce.  The burrito I used had 9 grams of fiber and it was huge!


Hannah was working, so I went by our store to see what was in the 50% off bin – SCORE!  I got a 1.44 pound porterhouse steak for $6.12!



We’ve done surf and turf with shrimp lately, so I decided on sea scallops!  I put them on the grill, in a cast iron pan, with 1 ounce of scampi butter and a splash of pinot grigio.



$5.29 for 8 giant scallops – so dinner for two came in at just over $10 – can’t get those prices in a restaurant!


The steak was delicious – perfect rare!  See how juicy it is?!



I let it rest a good 10 minutes before cutting – don’t want to lose any of those juices!

Tony had a trip up north (Wisconsin) and picked up some road side corn.  OMG, the BEST corn we have had all summer!  Didn’t hurt that we both tossed our corn in some of the scampi butter!  Even having 1/2 an ounce of scampi butter only added 60 calories and 5 grams of fat to my dinner – totally worth it!  I’ve always loved multi colored corn!


My plate:


And now I am about to make Purple Cauliflower Mac N Cheese for my lunch tomorrow – and its low fat! 😀

Stats for the Day:

  • 1149 calories
  • 50 fat
  • 99 protein
  • 76 carbs
  • 21.1 fiber
  • 39% of calories from fat 🙁
  • 45 minute walk at lunch 😀


Okay, as soon as I saw Dan come back I was so happy for him!  What a motivation he must be to other teenagers who think they can’t do it!

And then Abby, the woman who lost her family in a car accident.  When she stepped on the scale and said “I am ready to die because living is so hard.”  Um, pretty sure the water works started right about then!

And I was kind of shocked that Amanda only lost 6 pounds when her partner lost 18?? 

And Tracy who barely made it across the finish line – the look in her eyes looked like death – and the fact that Coach Mo made it back from the hospital before she did was shocking to me!

Then the pastor (can’t remember his name) who filled out a questionnaire, and at 444 pounds said he didn’t have any health issues and turns out he’s Type II diabetic?!

But I think I was most happy with Shay – being the heaviest person EVER on BL, and then wanting to quit.  And I know Jillian’s “in your face” gets old sometimes, but sometimes that’s what people need to given them the extra push to get out of the comfort zone.

It’s funny because I can relate to why I gained my weight.  Well, one reason as it turns out you can’t eat anything you want after you quit being a four season athlete!  But I know exactly why I gained all the weight I did.  I was pretty heart broken when Hannah’s dad didn’t want anything to do with us.  I figured if I was fat, no one would want me and I then I would never be hurt again.  But when my sister and I decided to make ourselves the priority, it wasn’t until I lost the 70 pounds and loved myself that I found love in another – and that is my Tony!  I still thank God for bringing him into my life – we are two pieces of the puzzle that fit so perfectly.  And had we not met online, our paths never would have crossed.

With that being said, I am off to snuggle with Tony – come back tomorrow night for the Purple Mac N Cheese recipe!