And we have a winner!
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Timestamp: 2009-09-04 23:34:51 UTC
Congratulations to:
theskinnyplate, on September 2nd, 2009 at 6:31 pm Said: Edit Comment
Happy blogiversary. My favorite recipe is my mom’s homemade green bean/ red bean congee. It can be eaten hot or cold. So yummy. Always popular at family events.
Email me your street address at and I’ll get your MasterCook and Tabasco products to you! 😀
It’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging for a whole year already! It all started with this post, and I just went back to look and saw that my brother Charlie was the first to comment!
The first person who I didn’t know who left a comment is none other than MizFit on my grilled salsa recipe!
MizFit, on September 7th, 2008 at 10:41 am Said: Edit Comment
I live in the LAND OF THE GRILLING YEAR ROUND and never had thought of plopping a tomato on there!!
I am pretty sure MizFit has left at least one comment on every person’s blog that I have read! She is so inspirational to boot! 😀
So now onto my day!
Tony works from home, and one of the things not on my to do list from yesterday was to sleep in! I can check that off the list! I rolled out of bed at 9:15! I made a pot of coffee, sat down to the computer and a while later I asked if Tony was hungry. He said “step away from the stove!” He makes the best omelets and this one did not disappoint! Two eggs, chopped beef tenderloin, hot peppers and cheese. I have no idea how many calories this is, but it was made with love so who cares!
Tony and I have been dreaming about corned beef and pastrami, and we took advantage of me being off of work today to go to Siegelman’s! It’s the best deli and the food is amazing!
Each sandwich comes with soup and I tried motza ball soup for the first time – very interesting! I ate about 1/4 of the ball and 1/2 of the soup.
With this drink on the side – I cannot remember the last time I had cream soda! It was so good.
But this my friends, is the best sandwich you will ever have!
I ate all of the sandwich and split the fries with Tony. Want some more food porn?? Tony’s pastrami sandwich!
We took the back roads home and enjoyed a scenic ride home. I liked how this picture turned out, but then put it on the “sport” setting on my camera to get the stills:
I ended up not stopping at any garage sales – they had tons of kids stuff. But I went to my local thrift store, and am kicking myself that I didn’t buy this jacket!
Seriously, they wanted $30 for this jacket!! Hannah had school and then volunteered at a different thrift store – she texted me that she was S T A R V I N G! Well, my long time readers will know that Friday is Party Pizza Friday at my house! Hannah’s was pepperoni and onion.
She likes a chewy crust, so I don’t prebake her crust. Tony and I are planning on having a Mexican pizza, but we aren’t hungry yet, so I’ll add to this post later on. It starts out with grilled chicken – I put taco seasoning on the chicken for 30 minutes before grilling. My base will be a mix of enchilada sauce and refried beans – then layer the diced chicken and quesadilla cheese – and will be garnished with fresh chopped cilantro and shredded lettuce on top – here’s the chicken, you’ll have to come back to see how the pizza turns out!
Update! We finally had our dinner around 8:30 tonight! So my no rise pizza dough actually rose quite a bit – almost two hours from when Hannah’s pizza was made!

You may think the lettuce idea is outside the box, but it is such a contrast to the hot pizza – I actually thought the pizza was a bit bland, but I added my jalapenos to my side at the table! 😀
I am so excited that I still have three more days off of work – I could get used to having four day weekends! I plan on catching up on all your blogs tomorrow morning with a big cup of coffee.
And thanks again for everyone who takes the time to read about my little world – I appreciate it! See you later! 😀
LOVE the jacket. 😀
Enjoy the rest of your long weekend!
Happy Bloggiversary Biz! You totally should have bought that snazzy jacket to celebrate 😉
AMAZING photography, I’ve got to take a try with tht “sport” setting too and play around with my camera too.
The reuben is freaking food porn indeed. Mouth. Is. Drrroooling!
I usually use salsa for mexican pizza. I’ll have to try it with enchiladae sauce.
Happy blogiversary!
Great giveaway!! hehe that jacket is insane! You couldn’t pay me 3x$30 to wear it – crazy peeps!! That mexican pizza looks AWESOME!
I like the Mexican pizza! YUMMY!
And, thank god you didn’t get that jacket, because I have one just like it!
HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY!! Congrats to the winners!
Aw what a sweetie to make you breakfast! I’ve never had matzo soup but that matzo ball looks so doughy and delicious I think I’d be a fan 🙂
Have a great Saturday!
My mouth is watering right now. The pizza a pastrami look SO SO SO GOOD!
Happy bloggiversary. So happy that I won your giveaway. I just e-mailed you my info. Hope you got it. Have a wonderful Labor Day with your family.
Yay congrats on the 1 year! Here’s to many more! 😉
Again, congrats on one year of blogging!
That’s so cool that MizFit was the first commenter you didn’t know! 🙂
Beautiful sandwich! And as every Friday, beautiful pizza! 🙂
Happy Weekend!
one year, way to go! i love reading about all your delicious meals and creations. i hope one day to be as adventurous and creative in the kitchen. thanks for sharing so many wonderful things! i love lettuce on pizza too. well arugula specifically, never tried lettuce like that but maybe i will!
happy blogiversary!!!! i’ve loved reading it every single day and will keep reading for many more years to come!!!!
Happy, happy blogiversary!!! What better way to celebrate it than by a day full of great eats?!? Glad I found your blog and so glad I’ve gotten to know you, Biz!
Congrats on one year! It seems like that is so far away for me!
Tony’s sandwich looks so, so, so, so good. I could eat a hot pastrami sandwich right now!
Congratulations on a year of blogging!