I suggest you grab a cup of coffee, pour yourself a glass of wine, because this is going to be a long post! That’s what you get when I only post once a day now!
Since Hannah starts school next week, she’s trying to get up at the time she needs to get ready for school, so we were up and ready to hit the gym and out the door by 6:45! While she ran I decided to do 30 minutes of upper body and then 5 minutes of abs. It was cool, sunny, so nice outside this morning!

Still in an attempt to clean out what I have in the house, I decided to make a zucchini pepperoni pizza – this time I only used three ounces of my whole wheat dough, 1 ounce of part skim mozzarella, .5 ounce chopped pepperoni and 2 ounces of shredded zucchini – make sure to squeeze all the water out of the zucchini, otherwise your dough will be all soggy! Bake at 425 for 15 minutes.

My friend had to stick around her desk, so I decided I was going to do it. I was finally going to try a Meghann! And by that I don’t mean that I am becoming a lesbian (although my husband had doubts since I played field hockey, softball and was on a bowling team!). By that I mean that I did all three levels of Jillian’s 30 day shred!
For some reason I thought if I fast fowarded the warm ups and cool downs in between each one I could get it done in about 45 minutes. WRONG! Even skipping that it was 60 total minutes! I may have to hit up MizFit to see what she thinks. I mean, I am 40 pounds heavier than Meghann at least, and we both were able to complete it. Granted, I did the beginner side and she probably does the advanced side, but still! Just goes to show that even if you have more to lose, you can still kick some ass!
The only problem I had going in is that I tested my blood sugar right before working out – bummer – it was 71! Definitely not high enough to exercise. I ended up having 1/2 cup of Kashi Go Lean (kinda stale, but with milk it was okay). I waited 30 minutes and it was 176 – perfect! By the time I was done working out it was back down to 91.

Lunch was leftover quinoa lasagna – still so tasty!

Dinner tonight was my classic Parmesan Chicken. I bought a low carb fusili pasta at my local farmers market – only 111 calories and 23 grams of carbs for 4 ounces cooked!
I pan fry my chicken in 1 tsp. olive oil and one pat of butter – just enough to give it flavor!

I didn’t have any eggs so I dipped the chicken in chicken broth so the crumbs would stick – it worked great!

While the pasta cooks I add the cheese to the chicken and tent with foil. It gets nice and crispy when the cheese its the pan and I always give those to Tony!
My plate was 5 ounces of chicken, 1 ounce part skim cheese, 4 ounces cooked fusili, 1/2 cup sauce and 1/2 small zucchini sauteed on the side.

So this weeks BSI is Peanut Butter! I decided to think outside the box and make peanut butter dog treats! Our dog Ed loves treats and I am the biggest wimp when he comes in the kitchen – I just reach into the treat jar whenever he walks in the kitchen!
Peanut Butter Dog Treats
- 2 cups brown rice flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1 cup chicken broth
- 1 cup peanut butter
Mix the flour and baking powder together and then mix the chicken broth and peanut butter.

Then mix all together – you’ll have a pretty crumbly dough, but the oil from the peanut butter will come together.
Preheat the oven to 400. I made individual balls and used my fork to make them look like peanut butter cookies.

Stats for the Day
- 1408 calories
- 39 fat
- 106 protein
- 153 carbs
- 22 fiber
- 30 minute upper body
- 5 minute abs
- 60 minutes of all levels of Jillian’s shred! (I gave myself two “great job” stickers for that one!)
Okay, gotta scoot – hello? have you made it this far down? 😀 Top Chef Masters is on and we have Hell’s Kitchen too!
See you tomorrow night!
wow congratz on those workouts! I do level 1 of the shred too..it kicks my bum lol. Interesting idea for dog treats!!!!!!!
All of your eats look so yummy! Especially the pizza 🙂
Great job Biz! I have only done two at a time, and they were on You-tube, so only 25 minutes or so!
So many good foods. How do you manage!
And yes…fit and large are possible. 🙂
I never had any doubts that you could do all three levels. You rock!
That is so sweet that you made PB dog treats! I think I need to make these for the Frankster! Thanks girl!
BTW- I laughed that you wrote that you will try the chickpea burger recipe when your husband is out of town. I have a list of those going as well 😉 We’re too good to them!
I love trees. If i can be patient eventually i will have a yard. Your pizzas look delicious. I have some wheat tortillas, and tomatoes seasoning cheese…maybe I’ll try something new while the hubby is out of town…My experiments don’t always go well. I’ll be the ginny pig this time. Happy Friday!
How does all your food always look so good!?
I am so impressed that you did Jillian x3!!! I’d like to think I’m fairly fit and one level can wear me out… much less 3!
Congrats on doing all three levels! Wow. That’s impressive.
I love what she says about getting 300 lbs people to do jumping jacks so there’s no excuses why anyone shouldn’t do regular jumping jacks. I think that says a lot about the amount we can physically accomplish, no matter what our size.
That bowl of cereal is calling my name. I don’t remember the last time I had cereal.
The only thing I hate is when she says “don’t phone this in” and “you think you are about to die!” Um, don’t need that kind of motivation!
I think she should add the caveat to the jumping jacks thing: “with a proper sports bra”. 🙂
I don’t like it when she says that, either. Maybe that’s the incentive to do level 2 and level 3 more often, rather than stay with level 1.
you have a wonderful blog, thanks so much for visiting mine, Rebecca
love the doggie treats!!! they look..errr… yummy?! lol im sure they are great and ED must be so happy!
that pizza looks amazing too.. so good!
mmm yummy eats! I like to cover my chicken parm in ground walnuts and Parmesan 🙂 those dog treats are awesome! I need to make some for buster the basset.
top chef was great, huh? we watched it, too.
your pizzas always look so good. I need to make that dough soon.
3 levels of Jillian?! Man oh man, you are a rockstar, totally inspirational!
And, I laughed out loud when I read that your husband eats watermelon rinds – never heard of that but I guess it makes sense! I’ve seen other bloggers eat an entire kiwi, skin and all.
Uh Hum!
As the husband I would like to clear this up. Ed the dog eats the watemelon rind. I eat the chicken gizzards. I am not proud of this, but it is what it is.
Dog melon rind-husband guts.
Crispy crust, Kashi cereal, quinoa lasagna, and peanut butter? Fantastic! Every year for Christmas our puppers get homemade treats in their stockings – they love them!
I’ve gotta make those dog treats for mckinley! He’d love them! :]
And that chicken parm looks reallly good.
Also, do you think AP flour would work? Do you think they need to be refrigerated or will they keep for a little bit?
delicious eats as always! that pizza looks so amazing. i love how crispy and perfect your crust comes out!!
Yay for Top Chef Masters and normal Top Chef starting! Both were great recipes! Although, I have to say I’m already wishing for that French guy to be eliminated b/c his red scarf around his neck drives me crrrrrrrrrrazzzzy! Johnny and I were very, very pleased w/ the Top Chef Masters winner. We were whooping in the living room! haha
I love the BSI spin!!!! I’m the same way w/ my dog – I give him all kinds of treats and let things “fall off the counter” for him. He lovesss carrots and apple cores, so I always have to “drop” those. hehe
I laughed out loud at that picture of the wisk!
ALL three levels of The Shred??? You’re nuts, girlfriend. 🙂 Bur inspiring! I might have to try it myself sometime…and here I was, proud of finally trying out Level3! But I do agree that one can be overweight and fit. I am. 🙂
Those dog biscuits sure look like regular cookies…hope Tony and Hannah got the memo that they are for Ed!
All three levels of The Shred???? I never even thought of doing that…. Well, but why not? Maybe I should? Awesome job! You are very inspiring!
The pizza and the chicken dish look great. I love the crispy, thin pizza crust! And way to get creative for the BSI! 😉
Your pizza looks so good!
And I have to laugh at your BSI recipe – my dog loves peanut butter and I buy organic peanut butter cookies for him. Plus, we discovered that he loves watermelon and whenever there is a whole one sitting on the kitchen counter, he’s always trying to herd us toward it so we will cut is and drop pieces to him. Never gave him the rind, but hey, if Ed likes it then Paco probably will!
Great job with Jillian – that is amazing – especially considering that you already exercised that morning!
And, TOp Chef starts tonight!! What a great night for TV (food tv) right?!
The peanut butter cookies look so good, and I LOVE your wisk! The chicken with the zucchini sautee sounds marvelous.
Good call not working out with a 71 bs, yikes! Glad the Kashi helped 🙂