I am so proud of my Hannah.  She came home vacation, having eaten her way through wonderful food – Chinese buffets and good ole North Carolina Pork BBQ.

She decided to give Weight Watchers a try, since that is how I initially lost my 75 pounds (my highest weight was 210 – not pretty on someone who’s only 5 feet 2 inches tall!). 

Weight Watchers is perfect for Hannah because she likes order – and counting points is right up her alley.  In fact, every time I read a post from Kath, I imagine that is what my daughter will be like in her 20’s – with everything color coded too!  😀

Hannah is just coming up to finishing her first month on WW and she’s lost 13 pounds!  She works out every day – and in fact – last night she ran for 35 minutes straight on the treadmill at 5.7 mph!  I am just so proud of her discipline, and in fact, a bit jealous of her zeal of commitment.

I am a what I like to say a “waffle.”  I waffle from being hard core, to eating nachos at 10:00 p.m. at night (um, I may have done that last night!)

So I am drawing inspiration from Hannah – you are doing so great Han – proud of you!  I’d love it if you left her a kudos comment!  I think she’d get a kick out of that.

So onto lunch!  It was a cup of my Azteca soup, no cheese this time, just plenty of cilantro and lime added.  My quesadilla was 2 corn tortillas, 1 ounce of cooked beef, 1 ounce black beans, 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese and 1/4 of an avocado, then “Pam” fried until crispy.  And veggies with FF ranch on the side:

nice n crispy :D
nice n crispy 😀

These are the carrots from my CSA.  I inadvertently left them on the counter and by the next day, they had the texture of fingers – kinda gross!  I kept trying to touch Hannah with them!  But Tony said if I put them in water and refrigerated them, they would come around, and they did – probably some of the best carrots I’ve ever had!


Lunch comes in at 480 calories, 19.2 fat, 20 protein, 59 carbs, 14.4 fiber! 😀

My friend and I did Level 1 of Jillian at lunch, and then I did 10 minutes of jogging at 4.0 mph, then 5 minute cool down.  I’ve decided Jillian has to be part of my daily routine, so I plan on getting more stickers for my calendar!

Alright, afternoon break is up – come back tonight for Buffalo Wings and a Zucchini Quinoa side dish! 😀