First off, thanks for all your well wishes about Hannah’s fender bender.  What I failed to preface that story with is the fact that the VERY FIRST time I drove by myself, I tore the whole front bumper off of my parents station wagon.  I said I wanted to take the car to the library.  I thought if I “drove” by the library and went to my friends house, that wasn’t altogether lying!

So I am driving down a narrow street – cars parked on both sides and a car was coming at me.  What I didn’t realize is that a parked car was parked on an angle, the front of the car was somewhat in the driving lane.  So I am looking to my left, seeing how close I am to the passing car, when I hear this noise.  Um, maybe the noise of crushing metal??  What I ended up doing was completely pulling off the bumper of the parked car, then continue until I have scraped the whole passenger side of the car!

I was a mess!  I started crying, because it was the first time I drove the car – the cop was actually worried I could drive the car home by myself!  I remember walking into my house – snots and tears running down my face – and in the end, my parents were just glad I was okay and no one was hurt! 

So Hannah said that when I got off the phone with the other driver, she looked at Hannah and said “It will be okay” and then gave her a hug!  How nice is that?!  I haven’t heard back if there was any official damage to her car, so we’ll see.

Okay, now on to dinner!  I decided to make this Cincinnati Chili recipe.  I’ve made a couple, but I really prefer this one instead.  The “three ways” was with whole wheat pasta noodles, cheddar cheese and dark red kidney beans.

I only realized as I was putting the chili together that I didn’t have enough chili powder!  Here is a substitute if you find yourself in the same situation:

  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder

It worked great!  The chili is so quick to put together – 20 minutes tops.  It took longer for my water to boil for the pasta!  Since I used 95% lean beef, you just cook the beef in the chili – no need to drain the fat.



That is how it looks after 20 minutes.  I used this whole wheat noodle – Tony didn’t like it much – it tasted really “wheaty.”  I didn’t mind though!  It was $2 a bag at my ethnic grocery store.


I may have garnished my chili with pickled jalapenos!  So my plate was 1 cup pasta, 1 cup chili, 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese, 1/8 cup kidney beans and pickled jalapenos.   Heaven on a plate!




I couldn’t decide which picture I liked best – I altered the top one to make it “cooler” on my Picasa software since my kitchen has fluorescent lighting.  Which one do you think is better?   I was reading food photo tips on, and never thought to use my software to “correct” my pics!  I know, I am slow, right?

Dinner comes in at 590 calories, 26 fat, 33 protein, 56 carbs and 9.5 fiber!

Stats for the Day

  • 1475 calories
  • 59 cat
  • 100 protein
  • 137 carbs
  • 21.9 fiber
  • 30 minute hill climb on treadmill, 3.0 mph, 15% incline
  • 15 minute hill climb on bike
  • 5 minute abs

Awesome News!  My step-sons high end movie theater that he works at is having a “Julie and Julia” night on August 20.  For $54 you get entrance to the movie, a cooking demonstration from the chef, a 2 course meal and a Julie & Julia apron!   How cool is that??!! So while I totally wanted to see the movie this weekend, that package is worth the wait!  My mom is coming out for it which should be fun!

Off to watch the White Sox game with Tony – they won last night in the bottom of the 9th – so exciting!  See you tomorrow!