Here is another WW inspired lunch.  I love the dressing for this salad – it is so light and fresh.  I never used to like ginger at all, but I love adding fresh grated ginger to dressings for an added punch!

Chinese Chicken with Broccoli Slaw (serves 4, 1.25 cup servings)

  • 1 pound chicken (mine was about 14 ounces)
  • 2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  • crushed red pepper to taste (I like a lot!)
  • 3 cups pre-packaged broccoli slaw
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 radishes, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon toasted black sesame seeds (which I forgot at home!) πŸ™

The recipe called for grilling the chicken on top of the stove, but when I add chicken to a cold salad, I like to poach it – for some reason it the chicken stays tender and moist and sucks up the dressing better for me. 

Each serving comes in at:

  • 216 calories
  • 7 fat
  • 11 carbs
  • 2 fiber
  • 26 protein


And while this looks plain, I assure you, it is not.  It is bright, flavorful – I made it last night so the flavors really melded and the chicken is delicious and juicy – yum!


With 2 cups of my roasted pepper soup – which by the way, my peppers on the grill made it on FOODGAWKER.COM  – cool!

Lunch comes in at:

  • 330 calories,
  • 8 fat
  • 30 protein
  • 29 carbs
  • 5 fiber

And while I loved my breakfast, I’ll have to add maybe a hard boiled egg on the side – by noon I was really hungry – luckily I have my stash of almonds in my drawer!


10 almonds for 70 calories, 6 fat, 2 protein, 2 carbs and 1.4 fiber.

Alright, cutting my lunch break short in hopes of not having to work late tonight – don’t they know I like cooking dinner every night? πŸ˜€

Depending on work, you’ll either come back for dinner and find Chinese Chicken Wings with BBQ Boneless Beef Ribs or a frozen dinner – blah!