The glaze (really more of a mop!) couldn’t have been easier:

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tsp. Italian seasoning and 1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tsp. Italian seasoning and 1 teaspoon minced garlic

While the roast seared on the hot side of the grill, I put the asparagus on the cold side for a slow cook.


My cheese ends that I bought came with a delicious piece of Parmesan cheese:

there is also a pices of smoked gouda - can't wait to try that one!
there is also a pices of smoked gouda – can’t wait to try that one!
I also brushed our asparagus with the balsamic oil mixture then finished off the last minute with the Parm
I also brushed our asparagus with the balsamic oil mixture then finished off the last minute with the Parm
It took almost an hour and 45 minutes to cook this - I should have used the Weber instead of the gas grill
It took almost an hour and 45 minutes to cook this – I should have used the Weber instead of the gas grill

While I had time while the roast cooked, I ended up making both my lunch and dinner – tomorrow night’s dinner is going to be Zucchini Noodle Meat Lasagne – that gave me in inspiration to make these for my lunch!

I plan on adding mozzarella cheese at work and put it under the broiler - and yes, the pickled jalapenos make these lasagne boats!
I plan on adding mozzarella cheese at work and put it under the broiler – and yes, the pickled jalapenos make these lasagne boats!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1203 calories
  • 50 fat
  • 126 protein
  • 57 carbs
  • 10.5 fiber
  • 30 minute treadmill hill climb
  • 5 minutes row machine
  • 5 minute abs

One thing I have noticed just after day 2 on South Beach is that I really am not hungry in between meals.  I think in order to kick up my daily calorie intake to about 1450 is to add some nuts as an afternoon snack. 

I am off to watch Chopped and snuggle with Tony!  I like to pretend I am on that show and I try to think of things to come up with all the crazy combination of ingredients! 

See you at breakfast!