Since I had four hours overtime earlier this week, I decided to take a half day – it works out perfectly because my SIL and nieces are in from Texas!  They have been staying at my mom’s house – which is about an hour away from us.

Hannah’s picking me up around noon – then we will garage sale our way to my mom’s house for dinner – which I can’t wait for – my mom is making her chicken and biscuits!!  I have tried to recreate her magic with this dish, but I don’t come close.

Another thing I am hoping to do is stop by Whole Foods by my mom’s too.  It’s been so long since I’ve been there – definitely going to get more quinoa – what are your must haves at Whole Foods?

This morning I give you another episode of egg sammie!  This time my meat of choice is an 1.5 ounce of deli corned beef, quite possibly the best of all lunch meats!  I wonder if I could make a Reuben egg white sammie??  I’ll have to think about that one!

I really like this extra sharp cheddar - its so flavorful, a 1/2 ounce goes a long way!
I really like this extra sharp cheddar - its so flavorful, a 1/2 ounce goes a long way!
yum . . . all the delicious layers!
yum . . . all the delicious layers!

Breakfast comes in at 309 calories, 11 fat, 39 protein, 24 carbs and 8.7 fiber!

Not sure what Hannah and I are going to have for lunch today – you’ll just have to come back later and find out!

Morning break is over – see you this afternoon!