My friend Renee and I did level 2 of Shred today – we avoid that level like the plague and now remember why – we think its the hardest one!  I was a sweaty mess after that workout!

I made Renee and I this lasagna for lunch today, because no one in my family will eat it!  I make it so its two GENEROUS servings and I don’t really have a recipe, but here goes:

  • 4 small whole wheat lasagna noodles (these don’t need to be cooked ahead of time)
  • 2 cups homemade marinara sauce
  • 6 ounces 4% cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • crushed red pepper to taste
  • Italian seasoning to taste
  • 3.5 ounces mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 3 cups baby spinach
  • 8 ounces cooked spaghetti squash

Mix together the cottage cheese, 1.5 ounces of mozzarella cheese, egg and seasonings. 

First layer is sauce, then lasagne noodle, then a layer of cheese, layer of spinach, layer of spaghetti squash and keep going until you run out of layers – I usually finish my top layer with sauce and then sprinkle 2 ounces of cheese on top.

Now, I made this last night, with the thought of cooking it this morning before work.  I woke up at 7:00 – threw it in the oven at 350, then proceeded to go back to bed and I didn’t wake up until 8:10!  So the top got a little overdone but luckily my friend didn’t mind!

And in true low maintenance form, I got dressed, put the lasagne in a shoe box because it was still hot, stopped and picked up the cake for office birthday celebrations and was at my desk at 8:50 – not too shabby!

lovely layers of goodness!
lovely layers of goodness!
I told you it was a generous piece - this is a dinner plate!  This slice comes in at 478 calories, 18 fat, 31 protein, 51 carbs and 9 grams of fiber!
I told you it was a generous piece - this is a dinner plate! This slice comes in at 478 calories, 18 fat, 31 protein, 51 carbs and 9 grams of fiber!

And when I came into work there were two lovely coupons from my friend Cassie – turns out she knows I like Tabasco! 😀

and a Laughing Cow coupon - nice!
and a Laughing Cow coupon - nice!

My next door neighbors are huge American Idol fans, so Hannah and I are going over there for dinner – so it will be a late dinner post.

Alright, my break is over – see you after dinner!