Hannah and I had a nice lunch yesterday – I love Panera!! Their broccoli cheese soup is awesome. I ended up getting the combo of the 8 ounce soup, classic salad and, of course, their whole grain bread which has to be dipped into the soup!

So my office softball game was early, so Tony picked up ribs for us for dinner so I’d have a chance to eat. They were fall off the bone amazing!! I tend to like the pork ribs and Tony likes both beef and pork ribs.

The reason I am so excited to say that our office softball team is undefeated is because we almost always lose by slaughter rule. It’s a safe bet that we usually only win one game in a whole season, and usually that’s because we are playing against a team that doesn’t have good pitcher. I am happy to say that I was 4 for 4 yesterday, and three of my base hits I beat out the throw to first base! Yesterday was the first day I didn’t do Jillian, but I am counting my softball game as exercise.
Here is a fact about me: In high school I was a sprinter on the track team. My freshman year of high school the 4 x 100 relay team qualified for state. In the prelims the day before state, I knew that the top 8 teams qualified to compete for the finals. I was the anchor. In my heat, I could see that we were behind and I really needed to go as fast as I could. Of course, it was the time that mattered since there were about 4 heats. All I know is I ran the best 100 of my life, only to find out minutes later that our combined time was .02 seconds from placing 8th, so since we finished 9th we didn’t qualify to go on.
The three girls I ran with blamed me for losing the race, since I was the anchor. I was so upset by this! On the bus ride home, the coach came and sat next to me and showed me a stop watch in his hand. He said I had the fastest split out of the four of us, so then I didn’t feel so bad! I can’t believe that was 26 years ago already!!
So Hannah got her first paycheck of her life yesterday, and she just ran in the house after work last night with the biggest smile on her face!! I took her to the ATM this morning to show her how to deposit it. Do you remember getting your first paycheck?
We are going to my grand-nephews soccer game, then out to lunch. Other than the usual cleaning we have nothing planned, which I love! See you later! “D
I remember getting my first paycheck and wondering who the heck FICA was and why I was giving them money! LOL!
Yes, we did make a copy!! She’s so proud of herself and we are so proud of her too! 😀
Sean ended up scoring 2 goals while we were there!
Great Day! Congrads to Hannah! Did she keep a copy? One more big step in her life.
Isn’t it funny how those high school memories can still sting after all these years? Sounds like you did great!
Congrats to Hannah! I think minimum wage when I started was like $1.85 ha!
Yum – Panera!!
CONGRATS HANNAH!!! Congrats to you softball team as well 🙂
congrats Hannah and to your team, woo!
getting first check is something HUGE!!! congrats to Hannah~~~ 😀
Oh, yes, I remember it well. I remember thinking “this is IT!? – I worked all week!!!” I’ve always been good with the responsibility of money and saving my birthday and Christmas money, but I think that was when I realized how my parents work their butts off and then have to turn over pretty much 100% to keep house, food, and necessities for my brother and me.
Hahaha, awesome! I remember my first pay cheque. I treaded my family to dinner! Hahaha, it was hilarious!
Sounds like it was a great day for everyone yesterday! Congrats on your undefeated team – woohoo!!! And I’m glad to see a smile on Hannah’s face, rather than the perplexed “who is FICA and why is he taking so much of my money” that was on my son’s face when he got his first paycheck!
Mmmmm, Panera. I will be eating there later this month when we help move our youngest into an apartment…I love Panera so much…drool!
Have fun today!!! We ended up at Pablo’s last night since the fiance had never been… he’s obsessed with their salsa now!!!
I know – I love their salsa! Next time try that place on Route 31 in McHenry – I think that’s even better than Pablos!