Are you ready people??  Drumroll please . . . .


Before Insulin

September 2006

2.5 Years After Insulin 

 April 1, 2009

After 30 Day Shred

May 1, 2009

Weight: 145

Weight: 167

Weight: 162

Body Fat Percentage: 27%

Body Fat Percentage: 41%

Body Fat Percentage: 35%

Chest: 39”

Chest: 41”

Chest: 39.5″

Waist: 36”

Waist: 40”

Waist: 39″

Hips: 38”

Hips: 42”

Hips: 40″

Thigh: 22”

Thigh: 24”

Thigh: 24″

Bicep: 11 ¼”

Bicep: 12.5”

Bicep: 12″

Gained: 22 pounds

Gained: 13.5 inches!

Lost: 5 inches!

5 pounds gone and 5 inches gone in just 30 days!  Yahoo!

I still have a ways to go – I’d like to be around 130, which is the high range for my height.  Why couldn’t I be just a few inches taller?! 😀  More good news is that at 167 pounds, my BMI was 30.5 which was in the “obese” category.  At 162 my BMI brings it down to 29.6 which is now the “overweight” category.   Nice!  I never thought I would be happy to be in the overweight category, but today I am!

So in honor of Jillian kicking my butt, today’s giveaway is her 50 minute DVD – yes, it’s 50 minutes long, but that includes the 5 minute warm-up and the 5 minute cool-down.   All you need to do is leave me a comment about how you feel about exercise?  Do you love it?  Hate it? Do it because you have to?  I have to tell you that there were a couple days where I flat out didn’t want to do it – but the thought of not getting a sticker on my calendar pushed me through!  And never once did I regret working out when I was done. 😀  One entry for leaving a comment and two extra entries if you link back from your blog.  I’ll pick a winner on Monday, May 4th at noon.  Good luck!

She's gonna kick your a$$!!
She's gonna kick your a$$!!

Oops!  I also forgot to add two items to giveaway that were donated by my co-worker/friend Cassie! A citrus zester and a cloth bag that is supposed to make the best microwave baked potatoes.  Thanks Cassie!


I am also starting her meal plan for breakfasts and lunches to get myself out of the ruts that I sometimes can get in – but I’ll still have my beloved baby spinach (and Tabasco!)!

Time to get ready for work, see you later!  Happy Friday!!