I wrote my lunch post, which Tony is calling my “manifesto,” hit publish and finished out my work day.  So imagine my surprise when I read all of your heartfelt comments on the previous post.  Just goes to show that you don’t have to see someone in person to be their friend and give them support – so MANY THANKS!

But you’ll be really proud of me!  I had planned to do Jillians shred at 2:00 with my co-workers, but work got in the way.  Hate when that happens!  But then I realized I could just go down and do the workout after work – its only 20 minutes and dinner was already in the crock pot.  But here’s the kicker – THERE WERE PEOPLE DOWN THERE!  So far it has only been me or me and my friends and no one else in the building! 

The “rule” is whoever is down there first gets control of the t.v.  So I changed clothes, pulled out my mat, got my 4 pound weights and asked “does anyone mind if I put in a dvd – its only 20 minutes long?”  They didn’t mind!   And I didn’t care what I looked like working out in front of them either!   So day 2 of 30 is complete!

I ate lunch while working so just took a couple quick picks.  I used the Western Bagel whole wheat pita, and I have to admit, it was pretty dry, even though I had mustard bbq sauce on my sammie.  I am thinking I may pan fry them next time?

although this looks like a lettuce pita, I have 2 ounces of rare deli roast beef, 1 ounce low fat swiss cheese, mustard bbq sauce AND lettuce :D
although this looks like a lettuce pita, I have 2 ounces of rare deli roast beef, 1 ounce low fat swiss cheese, mustard bbq sauce AND lettuce 😀
with a side of pretzels dipped in horseradish hummus
with a side of pretzels dipped in horseradish hummus
and MORE red pepper soup!
and MORE red pepper soup!

So dinner was cooking in the crock pot all day, with Tony turning it off around 1:30 and then turning it back on around 3:30.  It wouldn’t matter if I bought a crock pot that had 20 hours on it, my food still cooks too fast!   Very simple, I seared the pot roast in a cast iron skillet for about 5 minutes a side in about 1 teaspoon of canola oil.  While that’s searing, I peeled potatoes and carrots and put them in the bottom of the crock pot, added beef broth just enough to cover the veggies, added minced garlic, Italian seasoning and salt and pepper – simple!

Then when I got home, all I had left to do was the buttermilk drop biscuits – these mix togetheer in 2 minutes and 25 minutes later in the oven, you are done!

Cheesy Buttermilk Drop Biscuits

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1.25 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons real butter
  • 1/3 cup cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup buttermilk

Add everything in one bowl and mix well until the flour is incorporated, but not too much because the biscuits get more dense the more you mix.   It will be sticky – don’t worry!

Each biscuit is 2 ounces for 161 calories, 6.3 fat, 21 carbs, 1.75 fiber and 4.4 protein
Each biscuit is 2 ounces for 161 calories, 6.3 fat, 21 carbs, 1.75 fiber and 4.4 protein
They are nice and fluffy in the middle and crunchy on the bottom and sides
They are nice and fluffy in the middle and crunchy on the bottom and sides
3 ounces roast beef, 6 ounces carrots and potatoes, 1 biscuit and 1/4 cup of gravy
3 ounces roast beef, 6 ounces carrots and potatoes, 1 biscuit and 1/4 cup of gravy

So dinner comes in at 468 calories, 14 fat and 47 carbs.

Stats for the Day:

  • 1341 calories
  • 35 fat
  • 155 carbs
  • 100 protein
  • 18.8 fiber
  • no wine 😀
  • 24% calories from fat, 30% from protein and 46% from carbs

And finished day 2 of 30-day shred!

So thanks again for all your support – I’ll be needed it as the days progress and I get to level 2!

Don’t forget to leave a comment for my April 1 giveaway!

Jen at Prior Fat Girl (who looks FABULOUS by the way!) has her April 1 giveaway – Popchips!  They have salt and vinegar flavor people – enough said!)

Bobbi at N Her Shoes (totally fit runner!) is giving away a Danskin Lightweight Jacket – so cute!

Sara at Fit Feet is giving away Southhaven Farm baking mixes – never head of them before but I like the ingredient list!

Okay, I am off to fast forward two nights of American Idol into a half hour and then Hell’s Kitchen is on!  See you tomorrow – can you believe its Friday already??