If you touch a pickled jalapeno with your bare hands, don’t rub your eye an hour later! I should have known better too! It stung a bit, but I’ll survive!
But I barely survived Level 1 of Jillian’s 30-day shred. I don’t think I’ve worked out that hard in months – and although I completed everything, I thought my arms were going to fall off by the end – and I was only using 4 pound hand weights! I can’t imagine when I’ll be ready for Level 2!
I used the leftover chicken from our chicken satay to make Pam fried chicken tacos. Although I mostly use Pam, I do add 1/2 tsp. of canola oil to the pan to get the corn tortilla really crispy.

So my afternoon break is over. And its Pizza Party Friday! I plan on doing something with the goat cheese – I know this combo sounds weird, but I am thinking thin sliced pear, bacon, roasted red pepper with goat cheese!
Tony, you up for garlic shrimp pizza or do you want something else?
Great looking chicken tacos 😀 I wish I could make lunch like that at work.
They say the more you eat hot peppers, the more your stomach and taste buds get used to them. I have not, however, found that to be true for my eyes. They’re worth it though, that is for sure.
I want to try the Shred after reading so much about it! Do you think my new roomies would find that odd? haha.
wow, this looks so fancy and amazing! sorry i missed the bday photo post yesterday, loved all those pictures!!
Sauce in the eye…ouch
Looks so creative! I’m sorry about the jalapeno + eye incident… but now I’ve learned something new, too!
Looks so creative! I’m sorry about the jalapeno + eye incident… but now I’ve learned something new, too!
Wow, those look delicious! Sorry about the jalapeno juice in your eye, though…ouch!!!
Yes! That Jillian 30-Day Shred *is* challenging. I’m still on Level 1 also. I’ve been taking Body Pump class once a week for about a month and a half now, and the strength part of this workout still makes my arms feel all wobbly afterwards. (Ai yi yi, all those pushups!!!) I hurt my back the other day, so I had to miss my “date” with Jillian and the girls this morning. 🙁
Ditto that on Jillian’s 30 Day Shred DVD. It’s a great workout in a short time. I just really don’t like doing jumping jacks THAT much!
The tacos look great!
Oh no!! Sorry you got jalapeno juice in your eye 🙁
I’ve touched my eye after handling hot stuff many times. It is the price I’m willing to pay for spiciness. 🙂
In a rather meek voice….Tony ate a cheeseburger today, Tony is headed straight to hell. Tony should not drive by Macdonalds when very hungry.
Did you forget it was Friday Tony? Since you’ve already blown it, you should have sausage and bacon pizza! 😀
Super delicious, yum!
Ha! I’ve totally done that with the jalapeno. Yowch!