So today was March birthday celebrations at my office.  Turns out I have a March birthday coming up too (you’ll just have to wait and see!) so I was in charge of cutting the cake.  At one glance I quickly went to my desk and looked up how many calories it would be/units of insulin and immediately decided this wasn’t insulin worthy!  I would have had to take 12 units of insulin just for one piece of cake!  Everyone said it was amazing though!

I brought some home for Hannah and Tony though!
I brought some home for Hannah and Tony though!

Okay, so night #1 of the Grocery Challenge!  And while I had patty melts on the brain, when I got home I realized that I didn’t have bread big enough, so I went with sesame rolls that I had in the pantry.  Each roll weighed 3.5 ounces, so I took most of the breading out of mine to make it only 1.5 ounces.


The oven fries  turned out perfectly!


My plate was 1.5 ounces sesame bun, 4 ounce burger, .6 ounce muenster cheese, dill pickles and 2 ounces of oven fries (with jalapeno ketchup!)

Dinner comes in at 586 calories, 28 fat and 49 carbs
Dinner comes in at 586 calories, 28 fat and 49 carbs

I am so excited about the soup I made for lunch tomorrow!  I call it Chinese Food Thai Noodle Soup!  My friend at work is going to love this – just the right amount of spice!  You’ll have to wait until tomorrow at lunch for the recipe and pics though! 😀

I will show you that it has a teaspoon of this in it:

1 teaspoon to 8 cups of broth was PLENTY!
1 teaspoon to 8 cups of broth was PLENTY!

Gas Can Olive Oil

So when Tony and I first met, one of the first dishes he made for me was pasta.  Now mind you, I had just lost 74 pounds on Weight Watchers right before I met Tony.  I went from a size 18/20 to a size 6/8.   I weighed all my food (even before being diabetic!) and was very conscious of my portion sizes. 

Well Tony is cooking in my kitchen and he says:

Tony: “Where’s your olive oil?”

Biz: “In the cabinet above the stove.”

Tony: “I don’t see it!”

Biz: “It’s on the front right side.”

At which point he brings in a 6 ounce bottle of Bertoli olive oil and says:

“This is all you have??”

Biz: “Yes, I think its about a year old, but it should be okay!”

The next day this is what I find in that same cabinet!

Seriously, it was a gas can size container of olive oil!!
Seriously, it was a gas can size container of olive oil!!
101 ounces of olive oil!!  Needless to say, it's going on 9 years later and I don't think we've had any size left of this olive oil in the house since then!
101 ounces of olive oil!! Needless to say, it's going on 9 years later and I don't think we've had any size smaller than this in the house since then!

Thanks for introducing me to the gas can of olive oil Tony!  Before y0u I never would have known this would existed!  Well that and polenta, risotto, prosciutto, good quality Italian salami . . .

Off to relax and clean up my soup mess.  See you tomorrow!