So maybe it was the Chinese Food on Saturday night, or dinner out last night, or maybe the tempura shrimp and veggies on Friday night that I AM UP TWO POUNDS THIS WEEK! Um, definitely not the direction I’d like to be in! So I am 165. It as good eats though! 😀
This morning I spun my cheese wheel and picked this one:

For those who have not tried the apple/cheese comb0 – what are you waiting for??!! Breakfast comes in at 225 calories, 4.3 fat, 37 carbs. This stuck with me for a long time too!
Lunch was very miscellanous! I’ll get to my grocery challenge in a minute!
- 2 corn tortillas
- 1 ounce Mexican cheese
- 2.5 ounce carrot
- 5 ounce cucumber
- 1 tablespoon ff ranch
- 1 cup tomato chipotle soup (no Tabasco required – its spicy!)
- 3 ounces grapes

So since this weekend was so busy, I didn’t do my normal menu plan/grocery shop. But as I was looking through my pantry, cabinets, refrigerator and freezer – I have a sh*t load of food! So my challenge this week is to spend only $20 on a couple staples, fresh fruit and veggies, and see how long I can “eat” out of our house.
I think it will be a fun challenge! It will force me to think outside the box too. Although tonight’s dinner isn’t too much of a challenge – patty melts and oven fries! But one soup I am making tonight for lunches this week is a Thai Shrimp Noodle Soup – and if I remember correctly, its only 2 WW points per cup!
Also, come back tonight for a funny story about olive oil when Tony and I first met!
Lunch break is about over, need to get my dishes in the dishwasher. See you tonight!
That’s a really unique and beautiful bowl!
I need to try apple & cheese combo! 😀
glad you’re not worried about 2 pounds up.. it totally worth it, right? Hannah was happy, you were happy and you both enjoyed the weekend! 😀
I feel your frustration with the scale! I have to really work my butt off to lose weight, while my friends just cut a little sugar out of their diet and it just melts off of them, grrr! The food looks awesome!
i have NOT tried apples and cheese yet – I need to 🙂
oh. my. goodness. that apple/cheese combination is genius! next time i get my hands on some good cheese, that is the first thing i’ll do!
i can’t wait to hear about how your grocery challenge goes. that’s a really great idea, and it’s totally doable!
I NEED to try apples & cheese asap – I know it’s good so I don’t know what I’m waiting for!!
As a fellow spicy food lover I have to ask, where did you get tomato chipotle soup?! Sorry if I missed it before but that sounds incredible!
That apple & cheese open sammie looks so good!
I must try that combo soon 🙂
Can’t wait to hear about the story! Delightful eats!
I’m making turkey brats and home fries tonight…easy dinner!
I’m going back to the cheese market and getting those baby cheeses!
I wish I had gotten it last night!
i am absolutely intruiged by your apple cheese sandwich. I’m not much of a cheese eater, but I saw a dessert on a luxury hotel menu that was an apple cheddar pie!!! Which totally reminds me of your breakfast.
I love PAM!! Pam makes everything so crisp and yummy (think baked potatoes!!) and of course your Pam-fried quesadilla’s. 🙂 Good luck on the grocery challenge, I betcha you could do it. NO PROBLEM. Actually, it shouldn’t be called a challenge!!!
2 lbs in the grand scheme of things isn’t much, and if you had a good time, then no need to sweat.
Apple & cheese is such a great combo. I never make open faced sammies like that though.
Good luck with your grocery challenge.
One of my favorite snacks as a kid was apples with Kraft singles…my tastes have grown up a bit now as far as the cheese goes but fruit and cheese is such a good combo!
You’re not going to talk about some wrestling thing you both did with the olive oil and plastic sheets are you?
Ha Tom!! That’s another story . . . 😀
Sorry about the WI!!
Love the challenge. We only spent $25 this week (if you don’t include our monthly haul from costco) and we are trying to live on what we have.
Sounds like a great challenge, and you should save a bit of money too. 🙂