Okay, so I did a quick trip to the store on my way home from work today.  It was actually a co-worker (thanks for the idea KS!) who made this dish yesterday that gave me the idea on what to make tonight!  The post that this recipe is from seems SO long ago!  I maybe had 5 readers, 4 of which were family members!  Um, I think my photography has gotten a bit better too! 😀

Garlic Shrimp with Polenta!

My Plate:

  • 3.5 ounces sliced precooked polenta (Pam/oil fried in a non-stick skillet)
  • 3 ounces garlic shrimp (fried with oil/Pam)
  • 1 slice of bacon, cooked and diced (nice and smokey and salty!  My store didn’t have pancetta so this was a quick substitute)
  • 4 ounces zucchini Pam fried with 1 tablespoon parmesan cheese and garlic
  • 2 ounces fresh pasta
  • 4 ounces marinara sauce
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (I used this much total for Pam/oil frying)
  • 1.2 ounce slice Panera sesame bread (oh no, that was the last piece!)
  • 1 teaspoon margarine
First of all, Hannah is my polenta lover – she prefers the already cooked (in a tube) that’s sliced and Pam fried.  Hers does not have any sauce.  I also wanted to see if my fresh pasta would heat up well, and it did!  I kept it in the ziploc bag, opened just a corner, added 2 tablespoons of water and heated it in the microwave for 2 minutes.  Then I just drained and served with sauce!
the cast iron skillet and just a bit of grated Parm gives the zucchini a nice crust!
the cast iron skillet and just a bit of grated Parm gives the zucchini a nice crust!
I had three rounds of polenta, with 2 shrimp on each round
I had three rounds of polenta, with 2 shrimp on each round
I think the next round of breads I make I'll do a sesame - its my favorite
I think the next round of breads I make I'll do a sesame - its my favorite
So my whole dinner comes in at 554 calories, 18 fat and 62 carbs
So my whole dinner comes in at 554 calories, 18 fat and 62 carbs

Let’s just say Tony was so happy that it wasn’t taco fiesta or pizza!  So tomorrow is Fat Tuesday.  When I worked downtown I used to pass by a bakery and one day (Fat Tuesday) I saw a line almost wrap around the block.  I thought they must be giving something away for free!  Nope.  It was Paczki (pronounced poonchki) Day!  They are these Polish donuts that are deep fried with all different kinds of fruit fillings and then dusted in powdered sugar!  Oh my! 

Well ladies and gents, I am going to attempt to make a baked donut version!  I chose apple because that’s my favorite filling.  I am interested to see how the nutrition comes out on this one too!  Um, they may just turn out to be insulin worthy!

See you tomorrow!