Tony to the rescue!  He brought me my cord and turns out I grabbed an insulin pen that was empty!  So he brought me a new one and now I can eat lunch!!  Thanks Tony!
Tony to the rescue! He brought me my cord and turns out I grabbed an insulin pen that was empty! So he brought me a new one and now I can eat lunch!! Thanks Tony!

I hate when that happens!  Oh well, you’ll just have to wait til lunch to see what I had for breakfast – something I hardly ever eat – cereal!  I just had a taste for rice krispies this morning.  I had it with banana and raspberries and a light english muffin on the side.  Pretty low in protein so we’ll see if this sticks with me!

Did you watch Biggest Loser last night?  I kind of thought it was selfish of Shanon’s mom to stay on the ranch, although Shanon is doing a great job – and joined a roller derby!  It seems like she’s missed out on a lot of things because of her weight and I am glad she is able to experience these kinds of things.

Morning break is over – I’ll see you at lunch!