What a great meal we had last night!  But I am going to have to say that the star of the show were the lobster tails.  THEY WERE HUGE!!!

Each one (with shell!) weighed 1 pound!
Each one (with shell!) weighed 1 pound!

 Then we had two 6 ounce filets on the side.  Simple grill with salt and pepper:

each was only $3.50!
nice and thick! And on sale: each was only $3.50!

Look how pretty the lobster shells look after I cooked them in boiling water for a couple minutes:

if the tails were this big, we can't even imagine how big this lobster was!!
if the tails were this big, we can't even imagine how big this lobster was!!

Tony was the strong one to get the tails out of their shell.  He cut the underbelly and they scooped out relatively easily.   But the shells have sharp edges!

the underside of the tail
the underside of the tail

Cooking method?  Poach and grill.   We got part of the idea from my brothers friend John.  He is a total foodie – his version even has caviar!   We brought 1/2 gallon of water to a boil with 1/8 cup vinegar.  Once the water came to a boil I set the lobsters in the water for 3 minutes, because mine were bigger than John’s and I knew I wanted to finish them off on the grill.

ready to cook!
ready to cook!
on the grill!
on the grill!

Check out these grill marks!

we like our meat pretty rare!
we like our meat pretty rare!

Here was our drink of choice:


Hannah sadly does not like lobster or steak!  So she ended up having sushi:

California Roll
California Roll

My delicious plate!

um, a little garlic butter on the side!
um, a little garlic butter on the side!

But there was no way I could eat all that food!  Here are my leftovers:

I plan on trying to make a healthy version of lobster bisque with the leftover lobster
I plan on trying to make a healthy version of lobster bisque with the leftover lobster

My step-son is coming over today!!  Since he’s been living on his own we see him less and less, so it’s always nice to see him! 

Come back later to see the video of Hannah’s surprise yesterday!  Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.