As some of you may know I recently have been going through some physical challenges. These challenges are on going and hopefully the light I see at the end of the tunnel is not another train.


I decided to write this blog as a celebration of Biz surpassing 40,000 hits. I understand in the great blogdom, this is not a great thing. Biz has shown me blogs that do this hourly. I would however like to celebrate my amazing bride. Her blogs are all very honest, and truly represent our lives. She, I believe has managed to really show her and her family, good and bad, healthy and as truthfully as possible.


On a personal note. When I was really sick, I would like to thank you for the amazingly positive comments that you left. I cannot thank you enough for all of your inspirational and caring comments. I have more than once read them and choked up. You folks do not know me or Biz, but your prayers and comments were truly heartfelt. It was as if we had an extended family when my buddy needed it the most. You guys gave her more than you know, and I am extremely grateful!


I had never really read a blog before Biz did this. She did this blog for reasons that were her own. We as a family read this blog as you do, kind of voyeuristically, even though we live every moment of it. It is an honest glimpse into the mind of the most amazing person I have ever met. Biz is the single best person I have ever met. If you ever have the chance to meet her, I believe you will understand. She shows me every day the true love that I honestly never believed I could deserve.


As a side note, I have some friends that I have known since high school. They got to know my ex wife, and then got to know Biz. They both told me, that if we were to split up they plan on staying close to Biz. It hurt at first, but over time I understood.


In the scheme of things I am not sure what all of this blogging will mean for humanity. I don’t see any major impact to society, but it has been a good thing to those I love the most!