So I ended up going home for lunch to get my camera.  I don’t know if you read Tony’s comment to my breakfast post but he was sending me messages about chocolate eclairs and yoo hoos.   So our Dunkin Donuts has a drive through and I asked for a chocolate eclair.

Her response was, we don’t sell those, we have chocolate covered long johns or a boston cream.  I know Tony loves both so it was a hard decision.  This won out:

The chocolate long john won!  I had a bite - OMG so good!
The chocolate long john won! I had a bite - OMG so good!

 I made Tony an open faced roast beef sandwich with gravy and mashed potatoes. 

This was leftover from Sunday's dinner.
This was leftover from Sunday's dinner.

My Shrimp Nachos were so good!

  • 1 ounce tortilla chips
  • 1/4 cup fat free refried beans (just a schmere on each chip)
  • 1 ounce pickled jalapenos
  • 1 ounces fancy shredded cheddar cheese
  • 4 ounces cooked shrimp (leftover from last nights dinner – I just sprinkled with a bit of Taco seasoning before I heated them up)
  • veggies and fat free ranch on the side
I popped them in my office toaster oven - it has a broiler setting
I popped them in my office toaster oven - it has a broiler setting

With the veggies on the side:

Lunch came in at 526 calories, 25 fat and 39 carbs
Lunch came in at 526 calories, 25 fat and 39 carbs

So in my menu making this week I somehow skipped over Thursday night!  We all know tomorrow is Pizza Party Friday!  I am sure I could find enough leftovers to make something, but we talked about maybe going out for sushi so we’ll see!  See you tonight!