I got a suprise today from my blog friend Maggie and www.saladgirl.com

She got tagged and is passing along the blog love. . . thanks!   Maggie likes organic ketchup on just about everything and has been known to add vegetarian hot dogs to salads – I am not kidding!  She routinely comes up with interesting combinations, so check her site out when you can!  I’ll have to figure out who to pass it on to!

Dinner tonight was pure comfort food.  Chicken Parmesan!   I pound the chicken really thin and then dip it in an egg/milk combination, then seasoned bread crumbs mixed with Parmesan cheese.  I pan fry it in 1 tablespoon of butter and 1 tablespoon of olive oil – gets nice and crispy!


With lots of red pepper flakes!  Here’s how it looks in the pan:

I ended up eating half of one breast - they were really big!
I ended up eating half of one breast - they were really big!

And when I downloaded my pictures, I found this:

Thanks Hanners!
Thanks Hanners!

I completely forgot about our cookie exchange at work, which is tomorrow!  So unfortunately, it is going to be boring with what I have on hand.  I decided to make the Quaker vanishing oatmeal cookies but substituted dried cranberries for the raisins and added walnuts.  Oh well, better than nothing!

Tomorrow night is the season finale of Biggest Loser!  Can’t wait.  All I know is I don’t want Vicky to win!

Note: McDonald’s Egg Nog Shakes are amazing!  Hannah went to drop off a movie at Blockbuster and picked up a giant coffee at 7-11 for .52 cents – I guess from now until January 1, ANY SIZE COFEE is .52 cents – nice!  She got the premium roast with peppermint candy cane syrup.   She picked up a small egg nog shake for Tony – so good!

Her coffee sitting next to a 2 pound 10 ounce oatmeal container!
Her coffee sitting next to a 2 pound 10 ounce oatmeal container!

And we have a winter advisory.  When I left my office it was 8 degrees, with a windchill of -8 degrees.  Then tomorrow, starting around lunchtime, we are supposed to get anywhere from 3 to 6 inches.  Guess I’ll have to get my snow blowing face on! 

I need to update my blog roll too – just let me know if you’d like to be added!

See you tomorrow!