I had a dr. appt. after work  tonight so I didn’t get home until six.  I had my phone on vibrate while at my quarterly diabetes check up and didn’t hear that I had a message until walking out.  It was Hannah, so I called her back.  She wanted to know what my ETA was, and I told her about 15 minutes.  Not only did she straighten up the kitchen, but she cleaned our fridge as well!

I was told not to buy any more pickles or egg whites!
I was told not to buy any more pickles or egg whites!

I love my daughter so much, but she is WAY more organized than I will ever be.  If any of you read www.katheats.com, um, that’s my daughter in 10 years!  She vacuums her room on a daily basis, has at least seven outfits ready to wear at any given moment and knows when I’ve emptied the dishwasher because the gravy boat is in the same cupboard as the glasses.   I don’t think I have done her laundry since she was nine because she didn’t like how I did it!

But I love how the fridge looks when she is done!  You can SEE everything!  Condiments are tall to short, so you can always find the (jalapeno) ketchup if need be in a second.  Sadly (much to her dismay!) I don’t always keep up with her standards!

Confession time!  Okay, Hannah may or may not know this, but she always calls me after school to let me know she’s home.  Now, being a single parent until she was eight, obviously I wasn’t there to know she got off the school bus okay to meet the babysitter.  So I had her call every day to let me know she was home.  And that continues even at 16!  I love getting her calls letting me know she’s home.  But, on maybe one (or two) occassions I may have suggested in the after school phone conversation that the “only” things I have to do when I get home is to clean the bathroom and mop the kitchen floor.  Guess what happens?  When I get home the kitchen floor is mopped and the bathroom is cleaned! 

Although there is, on occasion, times when I am in a cleaning mood and she is not.  This happens maybe once every three months!  But I do appreciate her cleaning skills and will try to live by her “rules.”

So dinner tonight was simple comfort food – thanks Hannah!  Cheezy beef with taters:

I haven't calculated this yet, but my roll was 2.5 ounces, 2 ounces of beef, 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese and 1.5 ounces of taters
I haven't calculated this yet, but my roll was 2.5 ounces, 2 ounces of beef, 1 ounce of mozzarella cheese and 1.5 ounces of taters

We ended up watching “Secret Millionaires” on Fox tonight.  I know its all contrived, but when anyone on t.v cries, I cry along.  That’s one of the only reasons I watch Hallmark movies is for the sappy commercials!

Hope everyone has a good night, I’ll see you at breakfast!