What a busy day at work today!  But the good news is that because I got in early I got to leave early!  I picked up Hannah basically as soon as she got home and we ran some errands.  We are “accessorizing” our kids outfits for our  Christmas picture this weekend.  I know, they are 16 and 19, I should just stop putting their picture in Christmas cards!  I will stop when Hannah graduates high school, fair enough?

So my breakfast was tiny:

203 calories, 5.7 fat, 25 carbs
203 calories, 5.7 fat, 25 carbs

 I ate breakfast at 7:30, and all of a sudden I looked up at in was 12:45!  I warmed up some of my white chicken chili with 1/2 ounce mozzarella cheese and one low carb tortilla (which I forgot to take a pic of!).  Of course with lots of Tabasco!


314 calories, 12 fat, 37 carbs

So by the time dinner rolled around I was hungry!  I chopped up pickled jalapenos in my 6 ounce patty, with 1/2 ounce provolone, bun and 1 ounce of potato crowns.  Dipped in a combo of Tabasco ketchup (all out now!) and jalapeno mustard.  Yes, Tony says that by now I have literally burned off all of my tastebuds!


646 calories, 29 fat, 24 protein and 67 carbs
646 calories, 29 fat, 24 protein and 67 carbs

So even though my dinner was huge, I am still only at around 1200 calories for the day.  Looks like sugar free pumpkin pie is in my future!

I rented Step Brothers with Will Farrell tonight.  We saw it in the theater, but we are looking forward to seeing the extended version and outtakes – always a good laugh!

More snow is expected overnight too – hopefully it will blow over!  I am going to be a biscotti making fool tomorrow!  I have a hair appointment in the afternoon and then my office Christmas party tomorrow night.  Glad we’ll be able to use Hannah as a designated driver!  She will drop us off and pick us up.  Sweet!

Happy Friday night all – have fun and I’ll see you tomorrow!