I like to get a lot of food for not too many calories?  Just like egg whites bulked up my omlet, I am so happy to have found (AND LOVE!) spaghetti squash!  My 9 ounce portion is only 69 calories!  Topped with pasta sauce (sadly I had to buy some, all my canned sauce from the summer is already gone!) and paired with an Organic chicken apple sausage.  Baby spinach salad on the side with Annie’s Goddess dressing.

I lucked out on the sausage – my grocery store on my way home from work has two clearance spots – one for meat and one for prepackaged foods.  I was able to pick up a 4 pack of the chicken apple sausage for .99 cents!  I used one for my lunch and then froze the remainder.  They are fully cooked too which is nice!

wish I could make spaghetti squash look more appetizing!
wish I could make spaghetti squash look more appetizing!

This whole plate comes in at:

  • 386 calories
  • 15 fat
  • 45 carbs

No work out today, I was working on a side project for my neighbor at lunch.  Maybe shoveling and snow blowing snow will be my exercise today . . . it just started to snow!  See you at dinner: baked shrimp dejohne over noodles with salad.