The individual pies turned out great! We haven’t tasted them yet – but from the looks of them, they are amazing!
The pie crust recipe I used was found on – look in her holiday folder and its in there. I only made 1/2 a recipe since I only had pie crust on the top.
Um, this is NOT LOW FAT. That’s why I think it will taste amazing!

Once you slice the apples, put them in cold water with lemon juice to keep them from browning.
Hannah put crust on two and I put crust on two. We did each one a bit different:
Here’s the prettiest one out of the oven!

So while Tony and I were out grocery shopping, we decided to stop for lunch. The $5 pitcher stopped me in my tracks!
I splurged and got the boneless wings, sauce on the side. It was a spicy Asian sauce called “Me so spicy!” It was hot, with a slight hint of sweet. I ate all the wings, and about 10 of the fries.
Off to go read my Cooking Light that came in the mail yesterday! See you at dinner!
Those pies look delicious. Actually, everything on your blog does 🙂
Your pies look so cute! Great job!!
seriously wow.
and who knew that’s how pies look before I get em at costco!
My mom uses shortening in her pie crusts too, and they are amazing. She says it’s the only way to do it!! Your little ones are adorable!
So cute, and a real bargain!
Wow, one dollar? That is one super good deal!
And your apple pies are adorable. Mmmm. SPICY CURLY FRIES! AHH I WANT!
wow your apple pies look a-mazing!!!!!
Your apple pies look really good, I wouldn’t have thought to bake them in a small ramekin like that! Perfect one serving!