I decided to do a giveaway on the 1st of every month, but since Saturday was the first, and not many people check blogs over the weekend, I thought I would wait until today!  Maggie at www.thesaladgirl.com won last month’s tea giveaway!

The giveaway? 

Two bottles of Annie’s Natural Dressings – your choice of flavors!  Check them out at: http://www.anniesnaturals.com/organic_dressings

I’ve only tried the goddess flavor – I have some as my veggie dipping today as well as on my grilled chicken wrap.  SO GOOD!

All you have to do is leave a comment to this post.  I’ll pick a winner by noon CST tomorrow.  Good luck!

Good workout today, I was the only one there.  I should have walked outside its so gorgeous – oh well!  I did 30 minutes run/walk (fastest was 5.0mph!), then 5 minute abs, and 5 minutes of S T R E T C H I N G!


  • low carb wrap
  • 3 ounces grilled chicken
  • .5 ounces muenster
  • cucumber
  • red pepper
  • orange pepper
  • 2 tablespoons goddess dressing
Hannah left me a note in my snowman lunchbox today!
Hannah left me a note in my snowman lunchbox today!

She takes German, and I always tease her that Phantastisch is German for fantastic!  Her note said “Hope you have a  pahntastisch tag mutti!  I love you!  Enjoy your snowmen fettish! xoxo

I have my snowman purse today and snowman lunchbox = a happy camper!

Here is my daily snowman coffee mug:

this is one of my favorites - I love the face!
this is one of my favorites - I love the face!

Then, in the mail today, I got my prize for winning the cranberry BSI!  Thanks Gina!  www.fitnessista.com.  Can’t wait to try it!

It's sugar free banana bread!
It's sugar free banana bread!

Lunch break is over!  See you at dinner.  Good luck in the giveaway!