We met my sister-in-law and her family for lunch. While we waited for my nephew and his girlfriend arrive, it was like a bottomless bowl of chips! I knew I shouldn’t have started, but the next thing you know, I probably had the equivalent to 1/2 basket of chips and salsa!
I ordered chicken fajitas (NO ONIONS!) and I ended up having one and a half tortillas. I loved how crispy the chicken got on the cast iron skillet. 😀 The pictures are not that good – have to play around with my camera when I am in a dark restaurant.

I have bread in the oven now, I’ll post pictures if it comes out! One is a wheat berry loaf and the other is sesame.
It is going to be “try this fish” for us tonight using cedar planks that my husband got from his parents for his birthday. We have shrimp, salmon, tilapia and some Australian fish called Barramundi that was described as having a “sweet, mild taste and delicate texture.” We’ll see!