The fondue was wonderful!  We just did the cheese course and oil course because I made a carrot cake with honey cinnamon frosting for the bday boy.  I am not going to post the recipe because it is full metal jacket – 1.5 cups of oil and 2 cups of sugar!  We are going to have that later.  Before and after frosting:

I normally buy the cheese fondue at the grocery store.  It’s just a soft disk that you melt on the stove and you are good to go.  But its a swiss flavor, and the kids didn’t really care for it.  So I made this one:

Beer Cheese Fondue

  • 1 tsp. garlic cloves
  • 3/4 cup beer (I used Miller lite)
  • 12 ounces sharp ceddar cheese
  • dash of Tabasco
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon flour

Heat beer and garlic together until it comes to a boil.  Mix the shredded cheese with the flour.  Add to pot and stir until cheese melts.  Remove from heat and add Tabasco, salt and pepper.

apples, bread and broccoli for dipping
apples, bread and broccoli for dipping

I love this electric fondue set.  You can regulate the heat so well.

Onto the oil:

shrimp, pork, beef and chicken
shrimp, pork, beef and chicken


I made a tempura batter for the shrimp (although I think my daughter used that for her chicken too!)




We had crab left over in the deep freeze, so I baked these up on the side.  I MAY have used a little butter on mine!

Have no idea how many calories I had and I don’t really care.  It’s just one meal. 

Now I think I am ready for a nap!