Going through my fridge last night and saw that I had leftover vegetarian refried beans – and what should be right next to that?  Pickled jalapenos,  Mexican cheese and fresh spinach!  And I grabbed a package of frozen taco soup to round it out.

  • 1/2 low carb wrap
  • 1 ounce vegetarian fat free refried beans
  • 1/2 ounce jalapeno
  • 1 ounce Mexican shredded cheese
  • 1/2 ounce fresh spinach
  • 3 ounce green pepper strips
  • 3 ounce baby carrots
  • 1 tablespoon light ranch
  • taco soup
The ranch dressing kind of got away from me, and I almost spilled the soup getting to my desk!
The ranch dressing kind of got away from me, and I almost spilled the soup getting to my desk!
  • 384 calories
  • 18 fat
  • 32 carbs
  • 10 fiber (nice!)
  • 26 protein


This morning I did 35 minutes on the elliptical, and 5 minute abs.  At lunch, I did Jillian’s workout.  Since I borrowed the book from the library, I had to make these pages so I would remember what to do.  (Yes, I know I am a geek!)

I was short on time, so I ended up doing 1 x 45 of each exercise!  It was killer – especially the lunges, not sure I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.  But I was able to complete the circuit in just over 35 minutes.