Another beautiful day, but started chilly – 45 degrees!  I still love it though.

I made coffee in the french press since it was just for me.  Tried a new creamer and I actually like it better because it is just slightly sweet.

20 calories per tablespoon
20 calories per tablespoon

I am training for a 5K and doing the “couch to 5K” program.  This morning I did 5 minute warm up and then did 30 minutes of running (well, 3 minutes running and 2 minutes walking!) then did 5 minute cool down and 5 minute abs on the balance ball.

My blood sugar was normal 103.  I decided to have 15 grams of carbs, no insulin knowing I was going to work out.  The result?  203!  Not sure why that happened?!

Breakfast:  Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal with Pommegrante Green Tea

I like how my chapstick always gets into these photos!
I like how my chapstick always gets into these photos!

Lunch Exercise. I am lucky that I have a gym in my office building that only costs $100 per year – no excuses!

I am following Jillian Michaels workout that I got from the library.  It’s circuit training and you are supposed to go from one to the other without stopping.  No way!  I do each circuit in full, but rest 2 minutes in between.  It usually takes me about 45 minutes total.  And I can’t jump rope for anything – that’s the hardest one for me!

Circuit 1

  • stability ball chest presses 3 x 15 reps at 6 pounds
  • hack squat 3 x 10 at 10 pounds

Circuit 2

  • chest flys 3 x 10 at 6 pounds
  • sumo squats (I feel these!) 3 x 15 reps

Circuit 3

  • bench dips (I suck at these)
  • leg extensions (3 x 15 at 30 pounds)

Circuit 4

  • seated shoulder press 3 x 15 reps at 6 pounds
  • jumping jacks 3 sets of 1 minute each
  • basic crunches 3 x 15 reps

Circuit 5

  • kick-backs 3 x 15 at 6 pounds
  • jump rope (no!!!!!!!!) 3 reps at 1 minute each
  • reverse crunch 3 x 15

Off to work out.  Wish me luck!