I am pretty bad about putting stuff in the freezer and then never remembering what’s in there, or stuff gets buried to the bottom – the only thing I don’t like about my freezer being on the bottom, is that even with the drawers, inevitably stuff gets shoved to the bottom.  I used to have a list of things on the refrigerator of what was in the fridge and freezer, and cross it off as I used it, but with a stainless steel fridge, I don’t have the magnetic capability to do that, and just taping a list to my fridge seems tacky.  Plus I like the clean look of stainless steel.

Usually the top drawer is for ice and the kadults ice cream, but I realized I stashed away some of my strawberry shortcake waffles, so this breakfast sammie was quick to put together.  Waffle (4), scrambled egg white with lite mozzarella cheese (2) drizzle of sf pancake syrup (1) and strawberries and bananas.  I used the everything but the bagel seasoning on the eggs and love this sweet/savory combo.

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My sister and her friend were available to walk – it looked like it was going to storm at one point, but we made it.  The temps were in the low 70’s – love!

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I had forgotten that there was a private event in our main lunch room yesterday, and the lunch I brought was being held hostage.  I couldn’t enter the room until the event was over at 2 p.m. – I saw the email that said we couldn’t use the room, just missed the part about not storing our lunch in there.  Luckily I accessorized my lunch with chicken tortilla soup from Corner Bakery – this was so delicious.  Note to self, make chicken tortilla soup!

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Well, so much for heating up the lunch I brought.  I got super busy and made this picky plate with stuff I had in my lunch bag and fridge and ate this at 4:00 p.m. – 3 points for the cheese, 1 for the ham and the rest was zero.

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Joe, I forgot to send you this picture below – it was as close as I could get because they had security all around the Civic Opera House for the Transformers new movie – it was the Chicago premiere last night.  

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Even though I drove to the train, it was only 68 degrees and sunny and I couldn’t not walk home.  I texted Hannah and Jacob “will one of you drive me back to my car later tonight?”

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Hannah texted me back, “no problem – I’ll drive you.”  Followed up with “we have a surprise for you!”

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Hannah and Jacob have become a landscaping duo – they bought chain saws and a couple hours later had the giant tree in my backyard cut to the edge of the woods and trimmed all the debris on the trees in the yard and driveway.  I tried using that giant saw, it was heavy!  I told them I’d be happy to help, but on the cleaning crew.  I quickly changed clothes, got my lasagna soup started and spent about 45 minutes clearing all the trimmings to the side yard so that the lawn service could mow the grass today.

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Even though the bottom trunk of the tree was pretty dry, the top parts were still green, and try as they might, they could not burn this pile.  It may take a couple weeks for it to dry out before we try again. 

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Is this not the cutest picture ever?!  Hannah bought a hammock – much like the one Shelley got her husband – I have to ask you though Shelley, does Paco go in the hammock by himself?  They sat in there while the kadults worked in the yard – and if Hannah is lying in it, the dogs pile on top of her too.  


Long time readers will know that I’ve had a love affair with lasagna soup for several years now.  I love how versatile it is – you can switch up the protein, add in veggies, switch the type of pasta.  It suddenly dawned on me last night that I should try to make it a bit healthier by reducing the amount of Italian sausage – I bulked it up with zucchini and mushrooms and the result is that the base of this soup for 1.25 cups is only 3 smart points.  I left the points of the pasta out, because it depends on how much and what type you use – I never store the noodles in the soup if there will be leftovers because they will got soggy and gross.  I just reheat the noodles in the soup when I eat it later, and the noodles stay al dente.

I realized I forgot to download a picture of the soup, but I’ll fix that when I get to work.  I am sitting on the train right now about 20 minutes from downtown Chicago.  I love being able to blog on the train ride to work, the only downside is that I’ll sometimes get bumped off my server, so I have to save my blog post every few minutes just in case.  Not a big deal considering I have an hour train ride!

Another gorgeous day in Chicago – I finished my day with just over 21,000 steps.  I’ll likely walk home from work again tonight – it’s a great way to wind down the day.  

Make it a great day!