I believe after this weekend, my streak of wearing makeup and wearing my hair down will come to an end.  I have nothing planned next weekend, so no reason to get gussied up – farewell to weekend # six of dressing up!  I cut my bangs by myself, not sure I got them very even – ha!

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My co-worker J got married over the weekend.  We went to the reception which was at a bar on the Fox River.

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I was happy for her that the rain stayed away – they had a super quick wedding outdoors – word on the street was that it lasted all of four minutes!  Gotta love that! 

I’ve never been to this bar, but I could see if this was closer we would frequent it more often – it definitely was a White Sox bar!

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I think this is what Tony thinks of going to weddings feels like for most men:

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She looked beautiful and happy – that’s all you can ask for!  She had red velvet cake for the wedding cake, and Tony pointed out the cream puffs as we were leaving – um, yes both the cream puff on the top and the chocolate cream puff on the bottom were insulin worthy!

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Later that night I tossed together a small sausage pizza for Tony and I to split, using my no fail no rise pizza dough.   Please ignore the really shitty picture in that post!

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We went to bed early both Friday and Saturday night, so we were both up by 8:15 each morning.  As much as I love sleep, it was nice to have the whole day ahead of us.  Tony asked if he could make me breakfast, I told him to make it light since I was going out to lunch – 1 blue corn tortilla, 1 egg, egg whites, hot sauce and some cheese.  Delish!

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I met up my twin sister and our best friends who are twins at Wildfire for lunch.   I love that they bring cornbread complimentary to the table – I had half of one square, no one else liked corn bread?!  Veronica, you would have loved this!

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Knowing I was just about to start a ten day cleanse, I got the stuffed burger of the day – cheddar/bacon/bbq sauce!

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Their burgers are always so well seasoned.  I ended up eating half of it.  And on the side?  Fresh broccoli – so good!  It had a super light vinaigrette on it.

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D & D gave us these cute tissues since they had been shopping before we met up – how cute are these?!  $1 at Pier One.

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It was so nice to catch up with these ladies – hard to believe we’ve been friends for 37 years!  They never let me take their picture, so hopefully they won’t mind that I share this picture, since it was in a newspaper!  They are both avid racehorse enthusiasts (or handicappers as Tony calls them!).  These pictures were taken at the 2009 and 2010 Arlington Million race.

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We had four sets of twins in our 8th grade graduating class of about 100 kids, and 10 sets in our high school graduation of 1000 kids.  D & D are the only ones we still hang out with.  Do you know any twins?

Somehow this picture got messed up – have you ever had this happen on an iPhone picture?

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So I took another one when we went to Whole Foods.

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Of course I had to bee line it to the cheese section.  My sister didn’t know that you could sample any cheese!  We ended up splitting this one – so good!  I gave a bite to Tony and he couldn’t wipe out his mouth fast enough!  We thought it was delicious!

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So now that you’ve gotten though all of that, you are probably wondering, “what the fuck is a 10 day cleanse?”

Well, I am kind of making it up based on several different programs, mainly Advocare – my blog friends Janetha and Heather are distributors of this program, both of them recently completing their 24 day program.   While they encourage using herbal cleanses, replacement shakes, etc., I don’t have the will or the money to use those products.  Um, turns out I like real food!  I am not discouraging their program, but need to make a plan that I can live with for the next ten days.

What I Won’t Be Eating:

  1. No alcohol.
  2. No coffee (because I use creamers – I will switch to green tea)
  3. No white food – i.e., pasta, bagels, white rice, crackers or chips
  4. No sugars other than natural sugars found in fruits and veggies
  5. Low dairy – no cheese or milk, but I will have an occasional Chobani!

What I Will Be Eating:

  1. Fruit and Veggies
  2. 100% Whole Grains (brown rice/quinoa)
  3. Real Oats
  4. Chicken, fish, turkey, lean beef
  5. Healthy Fats: Avocado, olive oil, nuts, peanut butter
  6. Beans and Lentils
  7. Hummus
  8. Gallon of Water A Day

So what’s on my menu this week?




Last week as I started Week Five of my strength training, I realized that the strength part is taking me up to 35-40 minutes, and then doing 30 minutes of cardio after that.  I felt like I was rushing through the strength to get to the cardio and wasn’t able to give it my all.

So these next 10 days I am switching it up.  I am going to work out in the morning before work, then at lunch to get away from my desk I’ll do an easy 30 minute swim or bike ride.  Then at night, I will get my blog post together to post the next morning and put my food/clothes in line.

I haven’t weighed myself in a while, so that is one of the reasons I decided to shake things up.  Um turns out the extra glasses of wine and bites of cheese have caught up to me – this morning?

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I think I was 159 the last time I weigh in, so this is not going in the right direction.  My goal is 150 by the end of the year, so I have my work cut out for me.  What are your thoughts?  Have you ever done a cleanse before?  (Andrea, I am not looking at you because I know you do!)

Alright, time to hit up the gym!  Make it a great day!  Today is Back and Cardio. Open-mouthed smile