I really want to meet this kid.  He’s Marcia’s oldest son and just got his school pictures returned.  I would love for you to tell me in the comments what you think his thoughts were when this picture was taken!


Is that not the coolest school picture ever?  I mean from the look on his face, to the stain on the front of his shirt.  Maybe he just came from lunch and spilled his milk on his shirt and thought “who cares – take my damn picture!”  Thanks Marcia for giving me thumbs up to post this – I do love it!

I haven’t had a Green Monster in ages, and I don’t know why I don’t make them more often.  It’s easy, simple and delicious.  Mine had 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1 frozen banana, two cups baby spinach, 1 tablespoon peanut butter and 1 container of Chobani vanilla Greek yogurt.

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I had chest and abs for strength and then it called for 30 minutes of cardio.  The strength portion now that I am in week 5 is really taking a lot longer – yesterdays routine took me just over 35 minutes.  Um, I only have an hour lunch break, so after the strength I did a quick 10 minute jog on the treadmill.

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One piece of equipment I had a hard time with is this:

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It was for knee raise/crunches – but do you see how far away the feet pads are?  I had to like jump up to get my arms on the top there, and it was kind of painful hanging there – I managed to do 2/3 of the exercise on that one – I think I’ll need to find an alternative for next time though!

Lunch was leftover chicken noodle soup with open face ham and cheese sandwiches on a Thomas English high fiber muffin from the Entenmann’s outlet.  Delish!

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When I had dinner out with Randi and Julie, we each got a container of white rice!  So what better to make with white rice than Tony’s famous chicken fried rice!  If you haven’t seen the video of him making it – you can go here at the bottom of this post.

He picked up canned veggies, while we both thought tasted fine and was super convenient, we both missed the crunch of fresh veggies.  Still so good.  I literally have to put the bowl down otherwise I would eat all of it. 

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I am loving the coconut oil I got at Sam’s Club – I love that you can cook at a high heat with it.

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This bowl is probably 4 cups of fried rice – I ate half and had to stop myself from eating more.  I am going to steam up some fresh broccoli to go with the leftovers today.

When I was getting ready to leave before work I could not find a sweater or jacket to put on and it was pissing me off.  Um, turns out they were all at work!  I guess I am notorious for wearing coats/sweaters to work and then walking off without them.  They are now all back home, safe and sound.

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And an attorney I work with wore this shirt to the gym – I think I need one of these shirts!  It’s Wine-Thirty somewhere!

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My hip had been bothering me since I did the elliptical machine.  So I went back to my Classical Stretch on the DVR:

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33 minutes of stretching later and the pain was all gone.  I have no idea how these moves work, but they do!  I think I need to do one of these videos at least three times a week to stay nice and stretched.

Stats for the Day:

  • 1630 calories, 181 carbs, 89 protein, 65 fat, 24 fiber
  • B+ grade on Calorie Count
  • 35% of calories from fat, 21% from protein and 43% from carbs
  • 35 minutes chest/abs strength, 10 minute jog
  • 33 minute Classical Stretch

It’s another rainy day here.  We actually turned our heat on for the first time last night.  Looking forward to seeing the sun tomorrow though!

Make it a great day!