I didn’t go grocery shopping until Sunday so Tony was only able to make me breakfast on Saturday morning.  He declared that he was using the last of the eggs so on Sunday “I was on my own for breakfast.” Open-mouthed smile

Spicy spinach eggs, spicy hash browns and a jalapeno jelly bagel.  This was my breakfast and lunch.  So spicy good!

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I hit up the library on Saturday.  I actually shouldn’t have a library card because we live in an unincorporated part of town, and I don’t pay anything through our real estate taxes to the city.  But when we first moved here, the librarian asked me what subdivision I lived in, and I had no idea (turns out, we don’t live in one!) and I just said “The Coves” because I saw that sign on the way to the library.

But, I always return my books late, so I feel that my late fee payments are my “donation” to the library for having a card.  Tony has only been to the library once in 13 years.

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I decided to switch it up and I got a Boot Camp DVD – it was kind of cheezy, but it was a good 35 minute workout with weights.

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Our neighbors invited us to a Beer and BBQ tasting at a country club Saturday night.  The weather was amazing – truly the first day that it felt like fall.

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If this place wasn’t 45 minutes from our house, it would be a cool bar to hang out in.  Lot’s of beers on tap (Carrie, I thought of you!).   The event was held outside under a tent.  They had live music too.

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I liked the clouds reflected in the windows.  I must be getting old, but the band was really too loud – when they were playing, it was really hard to have a conversation.

We had pulled pork sandwiches with cole slaw and potato salad – the potato salad had no onions – yeah!

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They had really tiny beer samples – but some really good ones – I had my first Sam Adams pumpkin beer of the season. Open-mouthed smile

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I actually liked this beer below – but Tony wanted to wash his mouth out with anything after one sip, and our neighbor thought it tasted like tree branches.  It was a bitter beer, but I think that’s my palate.

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I had my hair down and put make up on too!  I have green eyes, but for some reason this picture makes them look blue!

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It was a nice night – I just love hanging with Tony so it really doesn’t matter what we do as long as we are together.

I asked Tony what he wanted for his football food and he wanted garlic toasts and Merck cheese, so I decided to make him kind of like an antipasto plate.  Did you know you could buy Jimmy John’s day old bread for .49 cents?  I bought two loaves, and made my own crisps – just slice them the thickness you want them, brush with olive oil and top with minced garlic and Italian seasoning and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes – keep an eye on them though because they can go from perfect to burnt in a minute.

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He snacked on that during the bears game, and then later, I brought him a deconstructed caramel apple – sliced apple, a tablespoon of Smucker’s caramel sauce and sprinkled with toasted pecans.

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I love how Tony gets into football.  He actually doesn’t like the announcers on t.v. so he watches the t.v. but listens to the radio.  So the house is silent since the t.v. is muted, and I’ll just hear stuff like “get off the f_ing field!”  Then I’ll hear “Go, Go, Go!”  Yesterday’s Bears game was an emotional roller coaster for him, but luckily, they won!

And guess what I stocked up on at the store?

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I was Bizzy in my Kitchen – I made another kind of poppy seed muffin I’ll share later this week.  I also made Gwynth Paltrow’s broccoli soup that turned out delicious – I am having that for lunch today so I’ll post that recipe tomorrow.

Sunday dinner was a roasted sirloin tip roast.  I realized I never took a picture of my actual plate, but I seared the meat on all sides, then baked it for 90 minutes at 275.  It was rare, which is how we like it, and I’ll be making Italian beef sandwiches later this week with the leftovers.

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And later in the evening, Tony made me a bloody Mary – I used to think I didn’t like them, but he uses a spicy bloody Mary mix, and he added my neon green Chicago style dill pickle to it – probably the crunchiest pickle I’ve had in a long time, and the dill and spicy combo was a hit.  The perfect ending to a great weekend.

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I got up early enough so I can squeeze in a 30 minute walk before putting my stuff together.  I am starting a new 12 week weight training program at lunch today.  My sister sent me the link to it, and it’s free.  I printed out my first week – it’s actually 4 days on and then I have 3 rest days.  I’ll still be doing my Insanity at night for the cardio though.

Hope you had a great weekend – make it a great day!