My brother Charlie lives in Texas.  Before that, he and his family lived in DesMoines, which was a lot easier to visit since its only about a 5 1/.2 hour drive from Chicago.   I’ve actually not lived with him for 28 years.

He hadn’t been feeling well so he went to the doctor a few weeks ago.  The doctor asked him if he any stress in his life, and well, yes he does.  He works 80-90 hours a week for a Japanese gaming company.  It’s lucky if he even takes one day off a week.  He had a cough.  The doctor gave him a Z-Pak and sent him home.

Only things didn’t get any better.  Dry cough, low grade fever, no appetite.  They finally went to the hospital last week.  They run a bunch of tests.  Elevated liver enzymes, enlarged lymph nodes, high white blood cell count, low platelet count.

My brother has non-hodgkins lymphoma.  While this is a treatable cancer, it is aggressive.  The doctors think he’s only had it for 2-3 months.  Today he has a bone marrow biopsy to see what type of lymphoma it is, and will start chemo as early as tomorrow.

So this Easter, I enjoyed the time with my family.  Yes, I was Bizzy in my Kitchen, but my focus was more on the family than it was the food.

easter 014

Check out my brother’s post about his oldest daughter going to college – its hands down my favorite post of his.

Just want you to send good thoughts his way – he’s going to have a bumpy ride these next couple months. 

That’s Charlie, circa 1976 playing the guitar at a concert the neighborhood kids put together.

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Then we all growed up!  But I’ll still remember him just like this – with my sister and I peppering him with kisses.

charlie 2

I love you Charlie!