Thanks for all your well wishes to Joe’s big news!  He really appreciates it, and so do I. šŸ˜€ 

I went into my WI today with positive thoughts like I normally do, and was actually thinking I’d lost another 1.5 this week.  I actually “feel” smaller if that makes any sense.  So I was a tiny bit bummed with the scale today:

But I have to take my own advice – I can’t expect what I did the past 7 days to show up on the day I weigh in – and it’s a loss, so I’ll take it!  Only .8 from losing 15 pounds and 2.8 from reaching my 10%.  šŸ˜€

I’ve been loving the trail walk at lunch – and yesterday not only did I get up and ride my bike before work (45 minutes thank you very much), I jogged/walked 3.5 miles yesterday at lunch in 40 minutes.  Then I did 5 minutes of abs on the grass and stretched for 5 minutes which felt so good.

Here are some pics of the trail I took earlier in the week – I have to beware of the ducks – they walk the trail too and they hiss when you walk by!

I really liked that last picture, even though its a weed! šŸ˜€

I had an idea to make crab rangoon breakfast wontons this past week, but those addicting pumpkin scones got in the way – maybe that’s what stalled my weigh loss this week – I had two scones every morning 4 days in a row!

So this morning I decided to try my idea, and let me tell you, these are delicious.  I will add that I added a drop of sriracha after I took the pictures and that brought it all together.  You have to try this!

Baked Crab Rangoon Breakfast Wontons

1 serving = 9 Points Plus


  • 6 wonton wrappers
  • 1/2 cup imitation crab, chopped
  • 1 oz WW cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup egg beaters
  • splash of Worcestershire sauce
  • pinch of salt and pepper
  • chopped cilantro
  • sriracha (or other hot sauce)

Heat oven to 350.  Put wonton cups in a muffin tin.  Mix together the egg beaters, cream cheese, crab, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper.  Divide the egg mixture evenly among the wonton cups.  Bake for 20 minutes.  Let cool for a couple minutes, then remove to plate, and top with chopped cilantro and sriracha sauce.

This is definitely going to be repeated – and really only took 25 minutes total to make, including the baking time. šŸ˜€

How was your week?  I am going to mix up my breakfasts again, and add some more work outs – I want that 10% and 15 pound sticker from WW! 

See you on Monday!