I can’t believe that today’s post marks my 1,500 post! I’ve said it before, but when I started this blog almost 2 1/2 years ago, I had no idea that I would form so many wonderful relationships from this blog. That is especially appreciated during these last few weeks while Tony has been sick. While sitting last week during his long surgery, every time I heard the “ding” of a comment sending us positive thoughts, it helped more than you will ever know. 😀
Check out my first blog post here. And look at how horrible some of my early photography was!
Really, some of my food photography was so unappetizing – I am surprised you stuck with me this long! Maybe because my food became more photogenic?
I have tried so many things over the past couple of years – sweet potatoes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, and curry – just to name a few. I still will never like onions! 😀
So why not celebrate with a giveaway! First up – the Weight Watcher’s Food Scale:
And what’s a giveaway without a cookbook!
To enter, simply leave me a comment telling me what your favorite comfort food is. For a second entry, link back to this post, and if you Tweet about it, you get another shot! First time I am using social media for a giveaway – I am kind of scared! 😀 You have until Sunday, February 27 to enter and I’ll pick a random winner on Monday, February 28 – the last day of February! Good luck!
So even though I again got home from the hospital after ten last night, I still wanted to cook up some food! While I said that I was going to use up just what I have on hand, I did have to make a stop to pick up one thing – spicy chili beans:
While my go to chili is my Best Buffalo Chicken Chili, um, guess who is out of Frank’s hot sauce?! I think my friend Allison just fainted reading that sentence!
So I am calling this one: Three Bean Chicken Chili. I brought it to work yesterday and the comments were “I can’t believe how filling this is – delicious!” and “Chili is your specialty no matter how you make it. It was delicious – thanks so much!”
Three Bean Chicken Chili (printer friendly version here)
- 1.5 cups per serving: 324 calories, 6.7 fat, 41 carbs, 12 fiber and 28 protein)
- 8 PointsPlus
I am submitting this recipe to Holly at The Balance Broad – this weeks BSI hostess who chose Cumin. 😀
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 2 large carrots
- 3 stalks celery
- 1 large red pepper
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 5 tablespoons of chili powder
- 2 tablespoons ground cumin
- 1 tablespoon paprika
1/2 cup Frank’s Hot Sauce(so sad!)- 2 (15 oz) cans tomato sauce
- 1 (15 oz) diced tomatoes
- 1 (15 oz) black beans, drained
- 1 (15 oz) dark red kidney beans, drained
- 1 (15 oz) hot chili beans in sauce (do not drain)
- salt and pepper to taste
Put chicken breasts in food processor to grind up – if you can find ground chicken breast, you can use that too. Heat oil and add ground chicken and cook about 10 minutes on medium heat until no longer pink. Rinse out processor and add carrots, celery, garlic and red pepper and puree. Add to chicken mixture and cook about 5 minutes until veggies start to soften.
Next add the rest of the ingredients, put stove on simmer and cook for 1 hour.

That is how much I weighed at my quarterly diabetes doctor appointment. Granted, I was fully dressed and it was the middle of the day, but I can see those extra licks, bites, and oh, yeah, whole pizzas have added up these past couple of weeks – and I haven’t worked out in a week and a half. But I am owning that number and will make steps to make it lower. Good news is my blood sugar has been in control, even if my eating hasn’t been!

My next diabetes doctor appointment is July 13. I want to lose 25 pounds by then. That’s the recurring dialogue every appointment “Biz, your blood sugar numbers are great, your blood pressure, etc. But let’s try to get some of this weight off.”
Tony is eating soft foods, his drain has been removed, he’s no longer on a heart monitor, we are just waiting for his International Normalized Ratio (INR) to get to the magic number of 2 before the heart doctors will let me bring him home. Fingers double crossed that it’s soon!
I miss having him home. I miss snuggling while we watch t.v., and I miss having him next to me in bed. Usually every morning after my alarm goes off, he wakes up for a second, reaches over, pulls me into him and hugs me tight. At that moment I feel the most unconditional love. It’s an awesome way to start the day!
My favorite comfort food is my mom’s mac and cheese – not healthy by any stretch of the imagination! But so yummy!
My favorite comfort food is pot roast, and it’s in the oven right now and will be done in 30 minutes! I just came across your site via Judy’s Kitchen, and I hope you and Tony are doing well.
Robert J. Stone
Loaded baked sweet potatoes. Sweet and buttery.and 20 more minutes on the. Bike lol
Congrats on your 1,500th post! I just started my blog, the thought of 1,500 posts seems so daunting!
My favorite comfort food would have to be nachos. Melty cheese, salsa, sour cream, so many good options.
I tweeted for entry #2: http://twitter.com/#!/MelGetsFit/status/42037955295973376
Congrats on 1500 posts! My favorite comfort food is definitely mac & cheese. Yum!
Congrats on 1500 posts!! My favorite comfort food is grilled cheese and tomato soup!
I posted about your giveaway on my blog!
My favorite comfort food is probably spaghetti. With long noodles (not short) and garlic bread on the side. Mmmmm!
French lentils with balsamic vinegar and fresh Parmesan has become my favorite comfort food! So warm, hearty, and flavorful–it makes anyone feel better.
Breakfast, preferably with maple syrup! Waffles, french toast, pancakes. Sooooo good.
I tweeted about your contest!
Hmm favorite comfort food…not sure I have one. I’m never stressed and I don’t have mood swings so I guess I don’t need one? My favorite food right now is my homemade soup if that counts!
So glad Tony is coming home!!! You are amazing, let me know what DM mag you are in. I work in Diabetes Education and would love to use you as a resource!!
Have a great weekend!
My favorite comfort food is fried chicken with potato salad, green beans and strawberry shortcake for dessert, Yum!!!
Wow that’s alot of posts! I think I’m only at 20 or something! Great job, I love reading your stuff. My fav is mac and cheese!
My go to comfort food is mac and cheese. Homemade is the best but I’ll even eat the box kind if I really need it. So glad Tony is home!!
My favorite comfort food is peanut butter or any nut butter really. I can eat it on bread or just use my fingers. Yum!
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes 🙂
Comfort food to me is anything you can eat with just a bowl and spoon…no knife and fork needed! So my favorite comfort food would be a nice bowl of chili with a piece of corn bread in the bowel!
I am happy for your family that Tony is out of the hospital! Have a wonderful day 🙂
I love anything with potatoes!
Great to hear that Tony is doing better…hopefully he will be home really soon!
Great giveaway! My favorite comfort food is mac and cheese.
I’m mainly a silent reader but just wanted to let you know I’ve been keeping up with your journey and was so sorry to hear about Tony–but so glad that he’s on the mend now! And I don’t at all blame you for having comfort food on the brain at a time like this.
I was trying to think of my favorite comfort food and too many things came to mind, so I’m going to cheat and say that my favorite is anything cooked by my parents when I go home to visit–I’m a college student and cooking their recipes is okay, but nothing compared to eating it with my family.
Wow congratulations on 1500 posts… I’m just nearing 100, so 1500 seems like a lifetime away!
My favorite comfort food is anything made by my grandma… especially her avgolemono soup and stuffed grapeleaves… yum!
My favorite comfort food is potatoes, any way … french fries, baked potato, mashed potatoes. Yummmmm …. the starchy goodness is just too hard to resist!!
Congrats on your milestone(s) and all your weight loss progress so far! I am new to WW and just reached my 10 lb marker! Yay! Need to lose another 30 or so before I am a bride in August, and I am in desperate need of a food scale!! Fingers crossed ….
Your morning snuggle with Tony is exactly what I get from Evan every morning. It definitely makes getting up early a little more enjoyable. Here’s to hoping for the grand number 2 and having your snugglebug home soon.
my favorite comfort food is mac and cheese!
Congrats on such an amazing milestone. Can’t wait for the next 1500 posts!
my favorite comfort food is mac and cheese, homemade of course.
Wow! That is a whole lotta blogging:) Congrats.
Wow!! I just found you through Julie and your pictures are awesome!! Food looks so good!! My favorite comfort food is mac and cheese. My dad used to say it was my favorite fruit!!
My comfort food choice is cinnamon toast….just like my mom used to make!!
Congrats on the wonderful blog! And so glad to read that Tony is doing well.
So glad Tony is doing so well! I loved this breakdown themed post 🙂 And I HATE it when I get weighed at the Dr’s office or wherever in full clothing midday, it’s all LIES!!!! That is what I tell myself at least….
Tweeted @PreventionRD
P.S. 1,500 posts?!?! Insane!!
Yours and Tony’s love makes me teary just reading about! Mark needs to be more ROMANTIC!!! 🙂
Favorite comfort food…hmm. I’ll go with Chicken Pot Pie because I’m craving it right now 🙂
also tweeted…you should tweet I would love reading more from you
posted on my site 🙂
Glad Tony is doing better 🙂
Hope he can come home really soon so you can have someone to cuddle with 🙂
My favorite comfort food is pizza….really I could eat it ALL the time.
Woo hoo! 1500 is so cool! I don’t know how you do it?! Fave comfort food is chili mac with lots of cheese and sour cream, raw onions, and some jalapeno relish. I am drooling for it. Glad to see Tony in a photo below, he has some good color going on! Doing a happy dance to get that number to 2!!! Come on 2!! Have a great night Biz.
My favorite comfort food is mac and cheese. I love to mix Annie’s with a bag of veggie steamers. It makes me feel less guilty about all the deliciousness of the mac.
Where do I tweet you at?
Happy 1500th post! Holla holla!
I am so glad Tony is doing so well. I love your blog and am normally a “lurker” and not a commenter. My favorite comfort food is homemade vegetable soup. It is great as is or through some stew meat or chicken in it for a hardier meal. Hope Tony continues to do well and is home soon.
Congrats on the blogging milestone and SO happy to hear that Tony is doing so well! Ah! I will be thrilled for you when he is home 🙂 My favorite comfort food? Chips & salsa. My Mom and I used to snack on this when we both had a longggg day and it will always remind me of growing up and spending lots of time with her. The chili looks fantastic. I really don’t think you can go wrong with chili.
1500 post…WOW!!!! Glad you’ve stuck around! Glad Tony is doing well!
Congrats on 1500 posts! WOW!!!
My favorite comfort food….pasta or soup!
Grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup is my comfort food.
Glad to hear that Tony is on the mend. Still praying for his speedy recovery.
Congrats on 1500 posts Biz! You have inspired many a blogger and look forward to seeing 1500 more! 😀
My fav comfort food has to be homemade chocolate chip cookies and a glass of cold milk. Yummy.
Congrats on 1500!! Best wishes for Tony’s recovery. I would have to say a bacon avacodo cheeseburger is the ultimate comfort food. Yum.
Tuna noodle casserole is my fav!!! =)
Your beginning photos look like mine now! I am terrible and don’t know how to get better! 🙂
Entry #2 = I tweeted! http://twitter.com/DinnerAtXtinas/status/40888921093189632
Holy crap I can’t believe you’re at 1,500 posts!!! I started blogging a little after you and I’m not even to 500 yet! haha You’ve been busy!
Fingers crossed for Tony!
Oh and entry #1 = my favorite comfort food is probably pasta, depending on the mood. Like mac n cheese, lasagna, baked ziti, chicken and noodle soup. Mmm all so good, all have pasta!
1500 posts is amazing! Congratulations!
Glad to hear your husband is on the mend!!
My favorite comfort food is mac n cheese!
FAv comfort food…oh my…thats a really hard one…I have so many! I guess it would be cheeseburgers…ya, I stay away from them for the most part…but I often dream about eating the ulitmate one! haha
congrats on the getting the diabetes under control…you can so lose those 25 lbs!! and you know, you will get a charm to celebrate that achievement at WW too!!!
Hope Tony gets home soon. My husband was in the hospital for a week with surgery for colon cancer. But it has been seven years and he only needs to get checked every two years now. I know what a roller coaster you have been on but things are lookin up! My comfort food is chicken pot pie.
eeeee I hope he gets to be home soon! And WOW 1,500 posts?! You go! haha My early photography is SO BAD – love it.
Favorite comfort food? Mac & Cheese please – great giveaway!
i’m sure you miss your man; this will make reuniting that much sweeter, huh? congrats on your 1500th post!
While I am a diabetic, I don’t usually crave sweets. My go to comfort food is salt and vinegar kettle cooked potato chips. You are doing a great job keeping your blood sugar numbers down, considering the stress you have had the last few weeks. Keep up the good work.
Shepherd’s Pie 🙂
Happy 1500th post! Wow – that is a lot of blogging, my friend! So glad you started. My favorite comfort food is chocolate (I know, surprised?!?), but don’t enter me in the giveaway as I already have a food scale. Sweet of you to do this, though! 🙂
Here’s hoping your man comes home soon. I know you both want life to go back to normal – the sooner, the better.
Congrads on eerything & best wishes to both of you on Tony’s recovery.
My all time omfert food is mac & cheese.
Hi BIZ! BIG HUGE congratulations on your 1500th post!!!! I’m looking forward to your NEXT 1500!! Glad Tony continues to get well. I have my fingers, toes, eyes, knees anything crossed that he is discharged soon and you are BOTH home!!!! Oh, my favorite comfort food??? It’s a tossup….grilled cheese sandwiches, or mashed potatoes. Have a great day, take care of yourself!!!!
I’m going to hope he comes home soon. You two are just too cute! I definitely LOVE looking back at my old posts. Even though sometimes they make me cringe between the photography and the writing and the things I was making I find it so fun to see how far I’ve come and there are so many food blogs that set the bar high so I feel like I still have a way to go!
oooh I hope Tony is home soon!
My favorite comfort food is the food you hate most. ONIONS. There is something about caramelized red onions that is sooo delicious. It’s my favorite thing to eat straight from the pan!
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes with asparagus and smashed hard-boiled egg, covered in a bit of butter.
Congratulations on 1500 posts! That is amazing! I love your recipes and your photographs.
Comfort foods-I have so many and they change with the seasons of course. In the Winter I love soups with sourdough bread. In the summer my hubbies grilled chicken, baked beans and corn on the cob, oh and BLT’s and watermelon, see what I mean the list is way too long!
I already have the WW scale but I am always happy to have a new cookbook!
Good afternoon Biz. What better way to start the day then a hug. I love it, really do.
I have been looking at food scales and just don’t know what to buy so winning would take that out of my mind and cookbooks, oh cookbooks. I love them, LOVE THEM!!
Good luck to everyone that enters.
Take care Biz and have a blessed and terrific afternoon.
Glad to hear that Tony is doing so well!
I would have to say my favorite comfort food is veggie pizza. I can’t get enough!
I believe I can safely say cinnamon on anything is a comfort food of mine.
Congrats on the 1500th post! that is so great
Tony looks so good =)
Glad Tony is doing better :-)….My favorite comfort food would be Mac & Cheese or Pizza 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway, too. (@heathamursch) 🙂
Awwwwwww……Biz, he’ll be home before you know it!
My favorite comfort food is chili and cornbread. Yum, yum, yum!
Congrats on your posts! For comfort food, I always like homemade mac and cheese 🙂
Fried Chicken – homemade!
and prayers for Tony’s good health!
PS Bizzy – I was reading all the comments – and remember when I told you that you reminded me of my Mom with the “beans on toast/white bread” post – well seems I have been missing out all these years by refusing to eat it because your fans really like it. 🙂
So I am going to have it this weekend and report back. heehee
PS – you are now linked and I tweeted for you. Good luck!
My favorite comfort food is tater tot casserole and spaghetti, yes I’m a fatty and I have 2!!!
OMGoodness there IS hope for my photography yet! [My current pics look like you old ones. I want a new camera ::wah!:: lol]
I keep saying my prayers that Tony is home by this weekend – but if he has to stay at least you know it is for a good reason and he is taken care of – hopefully the food is getting better.
What a nice giveaway – so I will add that my favorite comfort food is Thanksgiving dinner. We make it several times a year and it never fails to make me happy and remind me of my child hood at my grandparents house on Sundays.
I will link to this on my blog and tweet about it [I am SkippyMom1 on Twitter]
Hugs and love darling! Give Tony a hug from us.
My Favorite comfort food would be lasagna with extra cheese. I dont make it very much because I would eat the entire thing.
Glad to see that Tony is on the road to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are still with you. Hope he comes home soon 🙂
With your personality, I’d read no matter what the pictures are! Happy 1500th post!
Hugs and happy/healthy wishes headed your guys ways! 🙂
My most favorite comfort food is Mac and Cheese with all its creamy, stringy goodness.
Congratulations on 1500 posts! That’s a huge milestone. And wouldn’t you guess I just printed off the spaghetti squash casserole recipe! I have one sitting on my counter and wanted to do something different with it instead of the usual. Thanks! I found you right away when I started blogging in June of 2009 and have been president of your fan club since! By far I’ve made more of your recipes than any others, and I so appreciate your humor and your humanity.
So glad Tony’s making great progress. I predict by the weekend he’ll be coming home…maybe Sunday?
Oh! My favorite comfort food is…would Reese Peanut Butter cups count? If not, then french fries and bacon. Actually bacon first. Real bacon, not the Canadian kind!
I’m working on the photography thing…I still haven’t nailed it down yet! My favorite comfort food is my grandmom’s homemade green spaghetti. It’s utterly amazing and reminds me of family gatherings and laughter around the table.
So glad to hear about Tony’s continuing improvement. Here’s hoping he’ll be home soon!
Hands down, my fave comfort food was Mom’s chicken and noodles… served over mashed potatoes. Talk about carb-fest! No one makes it like she did (and since we don’t eat that way anymore, we don’t even try. It still lives on in our memories, though!)
Love to see answered prayes! Glad Tony is doing so well and that you are also hanging in there. It is hard on us when who we love is ill. Know that we are not only praying for Tony but also for you.
My favorite comfort food is raw carrots with ranch dressings…now don’t laugh there is a reason behind it. When I was a child I really disliked veggies and my Grandmother was very into veggies..today someone may have called her a vegan! Anyways she would make all these little carrots cut up in curls and sticks, set them on her fancy plates, get the goblets out and fill them with water she had these little bowls filled with her ranch dressing and we would sit down, talk, laugh and eat carrots and ranch dressings! Today I LOVE little carrots with ranch dressing and each bit takes me back to the most perfect time a girl could have with her Grandmother :).
Congrats on 1500 posts–yowza! My favorite comfort food is meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy. Good luck with making your weight goal and Tony getting to 2! I’m sure you’ll be giddy when he finally comes home. And your dog too! 🙂
Glad to hear Tony is doing so well and hopefully you will get to take him home soon, sure he misses being there as much as you miss him there 🙂
Don’t really have a comfort food but if I had to choose pasta would be it. Any kind! LOL
Glad to hear Tony’s update. I have been looking at food scales lately so this is perfect timing. Oh and what is your Twitter id? Mine is @angienewton
Congrats on your 1500! I just celebrated my 3 yr blogoversary.
Comfort Food: Chili w/crackers. I love it. I make it multiple times during the winter. And if I wasn’t watching calories or fat I’d say it was french fries or tator tots. I could sit and eat a giant portion of those. I’ve always loved them.
Hi Biz! Congrats on 1500! And all those other awesome numbers. Here’s hoping for the 2 very soon!
I would say my favorite comfort food would be mac-n-cheese, loaded baked potato, peanut butter or ice cream. Or pierogies. Hmmm…now I want all of those things.
Is that a great cookbook? I LOVE their magazine but haven’t investigated their cookbooks yet.
Yes – I love all of their cookbooks – I have a small library so I usually find cookbooks on eBay for cheap – this one is a winner!
beans on toast – my fave 🙂
Congrats on 1,500 posts!!! That’s awesome!
Soups are usually my comfort food. I think I will make a big pot today.
I really, really hope Tony’s INR will be 2 very, very soon!
Hi Biz,
My favorite comfort food is chicken and dumplings over mashed potatoes. My mom made this often as I was growing up and always looked forward to having a big bowl.
I have been following your blog for a couple months now. You and Tony are both inspirations. You, for your continued dedication to eating healthy, yummy recipes, enticing photos, and exercising. You make it all seem so easy. And Tony, for his bravery at beating cancer and recovering so well. I hope he gets to come home soon and wish you both the best! Recently, I find myself checking your blog first to see how you both are doing and to see what new recipes you have. Thank you for sharing as much as you do.
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes!!!! Give me a big ole bowl of mashed potatoes to feed those emotions! I NEED that scale too. My biggest downfall is I am a big (and I mean literally) eater. I have serious portion distortion.
So ironic, I just did a post today about giveaways – I linked you for a totally different reason and here you are doing a giveaway!
My comfort food? Macaroni and cheese, hands down. But only homemade – I’m not one to make a box even if I’m really seeking comfort. And now I want to go home and make some.
I love this post! I love your numbers and what they mean. I laughed out loud about your bad photography, because that’s what my food photography looks like. Now every time I post a food pic I think of you Biz.
Most of all, I want you and Tony to be home together again and I can’t wait until I hear that it has happened!
Awwww….sounds like everyone is looking forward to homecoming. Such a sweet post. I take coumadin every day always for almost 25 years and I keep my INR at 2.5-3.0 and know it can be tough to keep it just so. To keep your PT/INR and blood sugar just right has to be REALLY difficult. On that note, I signed up to ride in Tour De Cure Michigan on June 11 and actually had my deceased Dad and you and Tony in mind when I signed up and wanted to let you know. You are a real inspiration to me! God bless you both! Hope you get that special morning time together SOON!
Too many comfort foods to choose just one! But I do love me some Kraft Macaroni & Cheese!
Tony will be home soon for sure!!
My ultimate comfort food comes from when I was young in England. Baked beans on toast 🙂
Oh Biz, your last sentences have me tearing up. Fingers crossed for Tony to be home soon!
This gives me hope that my photography skills will get better 🙂 haha
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes, I could eat them all day everyday…lol okay maybe not that much! Mac and cheese is a close second 🙂
Lasagna or mac and cheese…or a cream-based soup. Mmmm 🙂
I hope Tony comes home soon!
Awesome that Tony is doing so well! Also awesome blood sugar levels! Especially considering all the stress you’ve had. My hubs #’s are not so great, he’s been diet controlled, but numbers are creeping up. Meds may be in his future b/c he eats very little carbs, is not overweight and works out regularly.
And I want to enter the giveaway! My favorite comfort food is chicken and rice. In pretty much any form, chicken & rice soup, chicken & rice casserole…it’s just comforting and reminds me of being young and living at home with mommy and daddy 🙂
I’m still working on photography! Yours is gorgeous which is why I make so many of your recipes!! happy 1500th!!
May sound weird but Baked Beans would be my comfort food. I truly love them and eat way too many! Thanks!
Hope your husband gets to come home this weekend or early next week! My favorite comfort food is an open beef and gravy sandwich…yum! With fries and cole slaw.
My favourite comfort food has to be a potato dish. Of course this dish has to include butter, cheese and onions.
Though I don’t often leave a comment I have been keeping up to see how Tony is doing. I hope he gets to go home soon I know you must really miss him. I’m sure once things settle down again you will get your weight back down.
Sad news here…Mikes last day of work will be Saturday short of some miracle…nothing to do but go forward and we shall. Thanks for all your support..I’ve been thinking and praying for you and hope you will do the same for Mike and me.Take Care.
So glad to hear Tony is on the mend and that you’ll soon have him back at your side.