I did a quick google search last night for “Phase I breakfast ideas” and one of the first ones to pop up was a souffle!  I’ve never made a souffle, let alone tasted one, but I knew I had some goat cheese and eggs so I gave it a try!

  • 1.25 ounces goat cheese (mine just happened to be four pepper flavor)
  • 1 tablespoon fat free mayo
  • 1 tablespoon skim milk
  • 2 eggs
  • cracked pepper
  • dash of salt

Mix together with a blender (I used a stick blender) until the cheese is incorporated into the eggs.  I poured mine into a 5 ounce ramekin, and was worried when I saw it fill to the top, but it was fine – I did cook it on a cookie sheet just in case there was major spillage!

can you see all the air bubbles?
can you see all the air bubbles?

I baked it at 425 degrees for 20 minutes, until the top started to brown and it was firm to the touch.

297 calories, 20 fat, 21 protein, 3.1 carbs and 0 fiber
297 calories, 20 fat, 21 protein, 3.1 carbs and 0 fiber

Of course, I made this last night, so today when I reheated it, it wasn’t as fluffy, but the taste was so light!!!

no Tabasco required this morning - it was creamy too!
no Tabasco required this morning – it was creamy too!
the perfect bite
the perfect bite

I had the last of my vanilla Chobani this morning too – need to stock up on those this weekend!


All together breakfast comes in at 417 calories, 20 fat, 37 protein, 18 carbs and 0 fiber.

Tony likes to have hard boiled eggs for breakfast, so I cooked up 8 of them last night – I asked Hannah, the queen of Sharpie’s, to put a mark on the eggs that were hardboiled:

I guess Tony won't have trouble picking out the hard boiled ones! She called the top row, middle egg "INSOMNIA!"
I guess Tony won’t have trouble picking out the hard boiled ones! She called the top row, middle egg “INSOMNIA!”

Morning break is over – come back for Chicken Breast Cobb Salad with Roasted Red Pepper Tomato Soup with Balsamic Vinegar!