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43?!! (and 10)

43.  I woke up early this morning to take my daughter to school.  I knew something was wrong when my eyes couldn’t focus, even with my glasses on!  A quick test and my blood sugar was 43!  It was 81 before I went to bed, so I had a few crackers so I wouldn’t wake up low.  Maybe it was my overnight long term insulin?  Who...
September 4, 2008

Welcome to the First Food Blog on the WWW!

 I’ve done a lot of research, and realized, there are no food blogs at all on the internet!  I have to jump start this new idea!  Okay, so I know there about a billion food blogs out there, but I figured, what’s one more! This is my journey to lose weight, eat healthy, exercise, (get all the laundry done, cook once a month meals that...
September 4, 2008