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Grilled Shrimp Scampi over Crispy Polenta

Grilled Shrimp Scampi over Crispy Polenta
Last Friday night I shockingly did not make pizza.  I know, I can hardly believe it myself!  But, we ate out the night before and Hannah and I had pizza, so I figured I needed to balance out my pizza love.  Believe it or not, this is a pantry/fridge/freezer meal.  I found a bag of shrimp in my freezer and thawed them earlier in the...
May 26, 2016

Bang Bang Shrimp

Bang Bang Shrimp
For some reason I woke up with an upset stomach.  I got up at 6:30 and stayed up until about 8:30 – it almost felt like I was going to get sick, so I went back to bed and woke up at 10:15!  One of the luxuries of not having a job at the moment, no one to call in sick to!  I felt much...
May 3, 2016

Skinny New Orleans BBQ Shrimp

Skinny New Orleans BBQ Shrimp
Hey guys!  Today I have the day off from work – woop woop!  My friend Alison (hi Alison!) recommended me to her friend who is doing a culinary competition for high school students at Kendall College today and guess what?  I am one of the judges!  I know, so crazy.  The woman who organized it emailed me and asked if I would be bringing my...
February 5, 2016

Shrimp and Tofu Stir fry with Ginger Sriracha Sauce

Shrimp and Tofu Stir fry with Ginger Sriracha Sauce
As I was putting my food together before work yesterday morning, when I opened the pantry I saw that there was one lone everything bagel left.  I know Jacob and Hannah usually eat them, but I said “snooze you lose!” and brought it to make a breakfast bagel. Later on I put that on Instagram to let Hannah and Jacob know that I took the...
December 4, 2015

Crunchy Shrimp Tacos

Crunchy Shrimp Tacos
I haven’t mentioned it the last couple days that I am back to drinking coffee.  BUT, not using my International Delight (are you happy Jody?! ) but using a splash of almond milk and 1/2 a packet of Splenda – so good! I made it Day 4 of getting up and hitting the gym.  I cannot tell you how proud I am of myself.  I...
October 24, 2013

Seared Scallops Over Parmesan and Pea Orzo

Seared Scallops Over Parmesan and Pea Orzo
So I got up early to go to my EKG.  I didn’t know how long it was going to take so I gave myself plenty of time.  I was in the parking lot by 7:30. That was the view I had when Tony was in the hospital when he got his artificial heart valve in 2007. Well, from registration to the end of the test,...
October 16, 2013

Kung Pao Shrimp for One

Kung Pao Shrimp for One
My breakfast sammie was so good yesterday, I decided to KERF it and have the same breakfast two days in a row!  On my classy paper plate – breakfast comes in at 387 calories, 12 fat, 31 carbs, 1.5 fiber and 33 protein. I have until November 2nd to get my 170 mile challenge accomplished, and as of Sunday I still had 119 miles to...
October 17, 2012

Alfredo Pasta with Shrimp

Alfredo Pasta with Shrimp
I have never had the cleaning skills as my daughter Hannah.  My Mom and I joke that I don’t know how Hannah came out of me because I was the kid whose room looked like a tornado went through it.  It could be like that for months until I couldn’t stand it anymore and then would do a clean sweep.  It may have lasted a...
October 15, 2012

I’ve Never Had Tuna Casserole.

I’ve Never Had Tuna Casserole.
It was 47 degrees yesterday morning when I got up – love!!  Just something about crisp cool air and I am a happy camper.  And right now as I type this?  It’s 35 degrees!  Okay, that may be a bit too chilly for me this early in September, but we’ll end up in the upper 60s today. More breakfast casserole for me!  This time with...
September 19, 2012

Skinny Bang Bang Shrimp

Skinny Bang Bang Shrimp
I talked to Charlie!  Every time I had called he was sleeping.  I called my Mom and started to talk to her and I heard my brother in the background say “I have cancer.”  You have to know Charlie personally, but he was saying it in a funny voice and it made me laugh. He sounded tired.  His main complaints are the awful, constant bad...
April 20, 2012