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Crispy Tofu Noodle Stir Fry

Crispy Tofu Noodle Stir Fry
Over the weekend I debated for over 30 minutes on whether or not to order take out.  I wanted a crispy tofu noodle stir fry and after 30 minutes, I told myself “Bitch, you already have everything to make that at home!”  So I made crispy tofu noodle stir fry with miso soup and it was delicious, and ready in about 15 minutes. What kind...
February 12, 2024

Leftover Pasta Recipes

Leftover Pasta Recipes
I know it can’t just be me that can never make a single serving of pasta.  These three leftover pasta recipes will come in handy when you make too much! Cooking starches ahead of time reduces glucose spike Did you know if you cook starches ahead of time, such as pasta, potatoes and rice, even if you reheat them, they can reduce the glucose spike...
December 13, 2023

Quick Chili Recipe

Quick Chili Recipe
Are you looking for a quick chili recipe?  Look no further!  This recipe is only 3 Weight Watchers points too. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite things to do.  It used to drive my late husband nuts because he would complain “why do we have to go down every aisle?!” My answer was always “because you never know what you will find! Yesterday I...
November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving on a Budget

Thanksgiving on a Budget
Grocery prices seem to just keep going up and up these days, so I teamed up with Mariano’s to create Thanksgiving on a Budget. Tips on Saving Money at the Grocery Store No matter what grocery store you shop at, sign up for their rewards card.  I have already saved $607.74 cents so far this year using my Mariano’s card Clip coupons before you go...
November 15, 2023

Crispy Buffalo Shrimp Tacos

Crispy Buffalo Shrimp Tacos
My late husband would have loved my dinner last night.  Crispy buffalo shrimp tacos! Here’s the thing though – my late husband could not stand spicy food, but somehow when I added the buffalo sauce to the wet better it wasn’t too spicy for him. For my shrimp plate though, I’d always douse them in more buffalo sauce because I puffy heart buffalo sauce anything....
April 13, 2023

Zucchini Tacos

Zucchini Tacos
I never would have thought of zucchini tacos if it wasn’t for my friend Alfredo. Well, I call him my friend, but I’ve only met him in person once.  😂 He has a giant TikTok following and recently started a recipe blog. He recently posted a recipe called Tacos de Calabacita, and it looked amazing.  I am using zucchini because it is a bit more...
March 9, 2023

Picky Plate

Picky Plate
Picky plates are a great way to use up what you have on hand.  A little of this, a little of that and all of a sudden you’ve got a great lunch or dinner! I LOVE PICKY PLATES! And @hannahfindinghealth – I think you left your bento box here so I am using it – thank you! 😘 Last night when I was at the...
February 10, 2023