I used to subscribe to a dozen magazines.  I loved them!  I remember right after Hannah and Jacob moved in, Hannah looked at my stash of magazines from the previous year – um, that would be 144 magazines, and (made me) suggested that I just donate them or throw them out.  I took them to my local library, and I decided from that moment on, I would only get my magazines at the library.  I’d enjoy them for three weeks and return them – no clutter!

If the current month isn’t available of a cooking magazine, I’ll pick the same month, but from a different year.  Last year’s August issue of Cooking Light had an oatmeal dish with . . . corn.  And fresh peaches.  And yogurt.  And I loved that idea!

I used canned corn, but next time I’ll use fresh corn.  I sautéed the corn in a tablespoon of sugar-free pancake syrup for a couple of minutes.

I mixed one cup unsweetened almond milk with three cups water.  I added two cups of oats to the corn, cooked that for a minute, then added the milk/water, reduced the heat to medium low, put a lid on it, and cooked for 5 minutes.  That’s literally it.

The oats soaked up the pancake syrup.

I didn’t have any peaches, but I got a can of apricots off the discount rack at Mariano’s.  

The verdict?  I liked it, I didn’t love it.  I reheated the oats before building this bowl, but I have a feeling I would like it better cold.  I’m going to tweak this recipe a bit and get back to you.  It didn’t stop me from eating every bite though. 😀

You’ll be happy to know that after a brief break, the Biz and Jenn show was back on the air yesterday!  We went to the farmers market.  I got bagel chips, mini bagels, mushrooms, purple cauliflower, green beans and baby potatoes.  I had my $20 market budget, and I stuck to it.

I should have bought a bunch of these sunflowers – so pretty!  But, I already spent my $$, but next time I’ll use my first $6 and buy these flowers for myself.  I love the autumnal colors. 

I’ve never heard of this variety of potato before, but I love fingerling potatoes, so I picked up about half a pound for $2.  After a quick google search, these are “chef” potatoes because they have a buttery flavor.

Oh, and I also bought a yellow watermelon!  Super mild in flavor – it’s been a while since I bought a watermelon with seeds.  

I am sure I’ll be having beef sometime this weekend – I’ve had this mushroom recipe pinned for a very long time – don’t they look delicious!  Can’t wait to try this recipe Kevin.

Oh, I also bought my favorite tofu from Phoenix Bean – I added that to my picky plate lunch.  I love, love these picky plates.  If nothing else, it can show other WW peeps that you don’t have to be a slave in the kitchen to eat good food.  Mix and match store-bought stuff with fresh fruit – this took me over an hour to eat 😀


Hannah emailed me on the way home and said that she was making fried rice and would I like some – um, yes please!  Having dinner ready for me two days in a row?  Priceless.

Until I got home and Hannah said “change of plans, we got hungry so we made breakfast for dinner, so you are on your own.”

Turns out I can figure out what to make with what I had on hand.  That’s where my leftover burger from the Dearborn comes in.  I rarely eat the second half of a burger that I bring home, but I will use the beef to make tacos.  I added kidney beans and mushrooms to two ounces of the burger meat.  I’ll save the rest for my weekend dog food bowls I make for Rummy and Roman.

My favorite zero point toppings on my tacos – a drizzle of each of these – makes it creamy and spicy.  Yum.  If you haven’t tried this flavor of Bolthouse Farms yet, it’s one of my favorite of theirs.

So good.  I love the beef and bean combo, and the mushrooms just added a “beefy” flavor to the tacos.  Yum.

We made it to Friday!  I have only one boss today, so hope to get my desk cleared off – so many little things that didn’t have a timeline per se, but that stack is getting almost too much for me to look at, so fingers crossed that happens.  It will be just my luck though that 5 secretaries call in sick and I’ll be stuck working for other people though 😛

Happy Friday!!  Make it a great day!