I made it to bed by 10:50 the night before last – close to my curfew of 10:30. 😀  I set my alarm for 6:15 and as I lay my head down on my pillow to sleep, I just said “you get up when the alarm goes off.”  Guess what??  I did!  I was out of the house by 6:30 (note to self, make coffee before going to the gym!), and by 6:50 I was in the pool.

I swam for 40 minutes straight – a couple pauses to adjust my goggles, but pushed through.  I had a guy in the lane next to me, and the laps where we were head to head I pretended I was in the last leg of a race and I had to win.  When I pushed myself like that, I realized that sometimes its easy to go through the motions of exercising – and may be why my weight loss has been slow.

So I am making a promise to myself to go big or go home.  Push myself harder than I think I can this week, and see how that may effect my weigh in this week.  😀

My pre-gym workout was unphotographed 1/4 cup of frosted mini-wheats.  I also took 5 units of insulin – its weird, but if I wake up with a blood sugar of 120, and then exercise, when I am done it can be as high as the 350s!  So I have to eat something, take insulin, and it balances out – back home at 8:00 a.m. my blood sugar was 109.

After my swim I was going to hit the steam room, until I walked in and saw a women laying buck naked on one of the benches, and I felt kinda weird going in, and decided against it.  I’ve belonged to several gyms over the years, and in every one there are handfuls of women who have no problem blow drying their hair naked, putting on make up naked, stretching naked – no matter the body type.

[polldaddy poll=5189061]

While I had my lunch planned out, I ran out of time, so it was McDonald’s to the rescue – oatmeal with 1/4 cup of my homemade granola – 10 PointsPlus.

Although I reheated it when I got to work, and was surprised to see this sticker on the bottom.  I guess I thought the oatmeal was made to order, but I guess not?

The weather was picture perfect, although I forgot to add sunscreen, so I needed to wear a jacket on my bike ride.  OMG, this was a tough ride, 3/4 of the ride the wind was right in my face, and some of the hills I was going up so slow, I probably could have walked faster – but it felt good to finish the 8 miles in 50 minutes!

Lunch was soup and salad – I need to tweak the soup recipe a bit, so no recipe yet – that bowl is 5 points, and then a grilled chicken salad on the side for 5 more points.

I had pasta on the menu, but with gorgeous weather, I couldn’t pass up grilling, so yesterday morning I defrosted pork chops.  I went on Tastespotting, and found a recipe for Grilled Pork Chops with Garlic Lime Sauce.  Holla!  I did reduce the amount of oil though from the original recipe:

Garlic Lime Sauce – from Dine and Dish

Makes 8 servings – 1 tablespoon per serving for 2 PointsPlus

  • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (up from 1/4)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (reduced from 1/3)
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro (upped from 2 tablespoons)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Whisk together the lime juice, garlic, red-pepper flakes, and salt, then add oil in a slow stream, whisking well.  Whisk in the cilantro at the end so as not to bruise it.

I love the table the sauce is sitting 0n – Tony made it for us for a grilling side table and it really comes in handy. 😀

I made grilled rosemary potatoes on the side – this flat cast iron skillet really holds the heat, but I have to be careful the tots don’t burn.

My 5 oz. pork chop, tablespoon of sauce and rosemary potatoes comes in at 12 PointsPlus.

Holy cow, these chops were good -not only did I cook them perfectly (which is sometimes hard with thick chops) the sauce made this dish.  The perfect bite!

Some exciting news for My Bizzy Kitchen – Gourmet Live website wants to make my Grilled Cherry Salsa the recipe of the day in the near future!  I’ll be sure to post the link when I have it.  How fun is that? 😀

Updated:  Thank Jenn for letting me know it was up!


And I also finally took advantage of a Living Social deal – I normally don’t because they are never convenient, but for $20, I got six 70 minute sessions at a yogo studio near my house.  Normally six sessions cost $75!  They have early Saturday morning sessions for beginners, so I think I will tie it in to my WW weigh in – I may just have to go the 7:00 a.m. meeting.

Stats for Tuesday

  • 33 points
  • 40 minute swim
  • 50 minute bike ride
  • average blood sugar 98 – nice!

I am having lunch out with my old WW work buddy and one of the secretaries from my office – and tonight is Hanging with Hannah night – we are going to the gym, but no froyo tonight. 😀  Make it a great day!