Poor Man’s Lobster Rolls. Please read my story about how these lobster rolls came to be!
In 2013 my late husband and I drove across the country from Chicago to Austin, Texas. It was pretty much the longest trip of my life.
Not only did Tony hate my driving, and complain about it that I was going too slow and that I had to keep up with the assholes driving 90+ mph, we thought once we hit the border of Texas “we were almost there!” Nope, still hours to go.
Since Tony did most of the driving, I just looked up what restaurants I wanted to go to – not a shocker! But what I was really interested in was the food trucks! We just started having food trucks in Chicago, but I live in the NW suburbs of Chicago – not one anywhere near me. I had dreams of ordering brisket and pulled pork sandwiches.
Once we got there, we quickly realized that most food trucks didn’t even open until 11 PM when bars started to get busy. By luck we found one lone food truck that I think I screamed “pull over – there’s a food truck!” Only to discover it was a . . . .lobster roll truck. Really, in Texas??!!
But I had to pull the trigger and didn’t realize until well after the tarragon butter was wiped from my mouth an hour later, that we just paid $100 for four sandwiches.
So that’s where my Poor Man’s Lobster Roll was born. I originally wrote this for a Chopping Block blog post in 2019. I switched up the recipe a bit to add some veggies to the roll (I know, not traditional) and did a basil butter over the top. #swoon

Poor Man's Lobster Rolls
A delicious light sandwich that can be made ahead of time. Simply butter toast the buns and you've got a delicious meal in minutes. And a lot cheaper than lobster! This filling is for 4 sandwiches.
- 12 ounces cooked shrimp, chopped in half
- 1/3 cup non-fat Greek yogurt
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- zest from 1 lemon
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
- 1/2 cup finely chopped cucumber
- 1/2 cup pan fried sugar snap peas, sliced thin
- Pinch of salt, pepper, cayenne pepper
- 4 tablespoons I Can't Believe Its Not Butter, divided
- 2 tablespoons fresh chopped basil
- 4 good hotdog buns
Mix the shrimp through cayenne pepper in a bowl. Melt one tablespoon butter and place the buns face down, until toasted. Divide the mixture between the buns. Melt the remaining butter, toss in the basil and pour over the rolls.
This is not the time to skimp on good buns 😉On #teampurple and #teamblue, each sandwich is 5 points. #teamgreen needs to add the shrimp - so if someone can tell me what that is, I'd appreciate it.
Hannah and I had a productive weekend. She has officially released the pantry organization to me – basically she is quitting after this last reorganization and I don’t blame her. I will try to keep it up – pinky swear!
I still have so many pantry items that I know I can meal prep with what I have.
Excitedly I found this gem while cleaning out the basement – Hannah art from 1998!
And my friend Morgan sent me this belated birthday gift. I joke that on the Weight Watchers plan #teamturquoise – where everything is zero points. It’s a fun plan to be on by the way. I had about 60 people tell me that since being quarantined, this is the team plan they follow!
Our weather was glorious at times this weekend – the dogs are loving all the fresh air – love Roman’s face in this picture!