When my sister and I went to the farmers market yesterday, I knew I wanted to pick up pork chops from Fehr Bros. Farms.  Two chops just over 1.25 pounds cost me $13 and it was worth every penny.  I was able to separate the two frozen chops, and defrost one in the fridge in the afternoon, and then in my lunch bag on my hour plus train ride home.  It was defrosted by the time I got home 😀

Look at that gorgeous chop!!  Mom, I’ll have to save the second one for when you come over next.

When I told my sister that I was going to be making a sauce with the Safe + Fair Key Lime blondie mix, she kind of like threw up in her mouth a bit.

I wrote a glaze recipe on my way home from work, made it, and quickly threw it out.  Then I started again, and made what I am calling Key Lime BBQ Sauce.  OMG you guys – this is so good!  Now here’s the thing with BBQ sauce – it tastes one way in the pan (my microwave is broken so I had to heat my sauce in a pan first to melt the preserves) than it does when grilled – the sugars in the key lime blondie mix gave my pork chop an amazing carmelized flavor – it’s so good!

I didn’t want to light the grill for just one pork chop, so I used this grill pan.  I salt and peppered the pork and then seared it on both sides for 2 minutes a side, added the BBQ sauce, then an additional 2 minutes a side, for 8 minutes total.  I let it rest for 10 minutes before cutting.  I pulled the pork chop at 140 degrees.

Can you see how juicy that chop is?!  I ate 3 ounces of pork of this chop, and had a side of green beans with rice, for a 6 point dinner.

Click here to get my discount code of 25% off + free shipping!  This Key Lime Pie Blondie Mix is a limited edition, so grab it while you can.

Happy Friday friends – make it a great day!