If you guys haven’t gotten Gina from Skinny Taste’s latest cookbook, you need to pick it up.  It’s called One and Done and so many great and diverse recipes.  Since I had a 4 pound package of Certified Angus Beef ® brand ground beef, I went in search of a ground beef recipe in her cookbook.

The first recipe that caught my eye was her Beef Bipimbap with riced carrots.  Sounded delish!

But after looking at her recipe, I realized I needed to do some adapting because I didn’t have all of the ingredients from her recipe.  So this was inspired by Gina’s dish.  My scribbles!

I know people will tell me “Biz, you could have saved points on ground sirloin!”  But I love the taste of 80/20 beef.  So rich, you don’t need to use as much and you’ll feel satisfied.  Worth the two points an ounce for this.

Um, why have I never riced carrots before??!!  So good.

You have to squeeze them dry before pan frying though, so they get a bit crispy on the edges.

I love Marion’s sauces.  You need to follow her on Instagram because she has IG shows of her Mom cooking and it’s the cutest thing you will ever see.  I find them at Walmart in the Asian aisle, and people have told me that they are also at Dollar General – I am going to check that out this weekend.  

This literally came together in about 10 minutes.  I didn’t have baby spinach, so I wilted romaine and it was delicious.  I microwaved the delicata squash, so it just took a couple minutes of pan frying to finish it off.

The ponzu sauce on the greens, Marion’s sauce with a touch of sriracha, brought this all together.  So good!

This came in at 7 points.  Six for the beef and 1 point for the pat of butter I sauteed the mushrooms in.


My late husband wouldn’t have touched this dish with a ten foot pole – I believe this would fit into the category of “what smells like ass?”  

I loved it though.

I hit a huge milestone on Instagram yesterday.  FORTY THOUSAND FOLLOWERS!  Insane.  It took me nearly 5 years to get to 10,000, and only 3 1/2 months for the next 30,000.  So basically I am an overnight success.

But seriously, I love nothing more than seeing people tagging me making my dishes – especially the skinny pizza dough – that brings me so much joy!


My Diet Bet starts on Monday, March 18!  You can check it out here.  It will be fun!  

Happy Tuesday friends – make it a great day, and don’t eat like an asshole. 

Love, Biz